WordPress web design

High level web design

As a Word­Press agen­cy, we take care of the con­cep­ti­on of the screen design, the ela­bo­ra­ti­on of the web design and the imple­men­ta­ti­on into the Word­Press the­me. Feel free to con­vin­ce yours­elf, both in our refe­ren­ces and on Insta­gram you will find count­less refe­ren­ces.

WordPress web design

High level web design

As a Word­Press agen­cy, we take care of the con­cep­ti­on of the screen design, the ela­bo­ra­ti­on of the web design and the imple­men­ta­ti­on into the Word­Press the­me. Feel free to con­vin­ce yours­elf, both in our refe­ren­ces and on Insta­gram you will find count­less refe­ren­ces.

Screen design
An excel­lent web design is based on a screen design. This defi­nes the design of the gra­phi­cal user inter­face of the web­site. The focus here is on the posi­tio­ning of indi­vi­du­al design ele­ments such as navi­ga­ti­on, head­lines, images and vide­os. The screen design thus pro­vi­des the actu­al struc­tu­re of the web­site.

Web design
Web design is the com­po­si­ti­on of all indi­vi­du­al ele­ments. It includes the struc­tu­re, lay­out, colors and shapes, as well as fonts, images and gra­phics. But also the inter­face design, the user expe­ri­ence, SEO and the con­tent count to the web design.

Respon­si­ve design
Respon­si­ve design refers to web designs that are deve­lo­ped to auto­ma­ti­cal­ly adapt to the device the visi­tor uses to open the web­site. You could also say that a respon­si­ve design ensu­res that a web­site is mobi­le-fri­end­ly. For this reason, Respon­si­ve Design is also part of a full-fled­ged web design.

Cor­po­ra­te Design
You alre­a­dy have a cor­po­ra­te design? Class — then we make sure that the colors, fonts and design ele­ments are included in the web design. This way we ensu­re that the look and feel of your busi­ness is reflec­ted on the Word­Press web­site. We would also be hap­py to crea­te a high-qua­li­ty cor­po­ra­te design for you.

UI & UX Design
A sophisti­ca­ted inter­face design and a good user expe­ri­ence com­ple­te the pro­fes­sio­nal web design. The task of a web design is also to ensu­re that the user expe­ri­ence is simp­le and inno­va­ti­ve. This includes redu­cing click paths, opti­mi­zing navi­ga­ti­on paths, and desig­ning the inter­face so that users enjoy using it.

WordPress web design request

Inte­res­ted? Let’s talk!

Feel free to let us talk about your pro­ject. We will be hap­py to cla­ri­fy all important key points in a non-bin­ding initi­al mee­ting and show you how we can help you to suc­cessful­ly rea­li­ze your pro­ject.

Super Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on und Ser­vice, schnel­le Hil­fe. Nimmt Anlie­gen und Fra­gen ernst und beant­wor­tet sie aus­führ­lich. So soll es sein!
Schnel­ler Sup­port bzgl. Anfra­ge zu Plug­in, vie­len Dank!
Extrem schnel­ler Sup­port bei Anfra­gen zu Word­press Plug­ins, Kun­de ist sehr zufrie­den! Dan­ke!
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What is the dif­fe­rence?

Web design or web development?

Word­Press web desi­gners take your idea and design the look and feel of your web­site from it. They make sure that the web design is tail­o­red to your tar­get audi­ence and your busi­ness. So you are respon­si­ble for the crea­ti­ve part of your web­site.

Web deve­lo­pers are the ones who make sure that the web desi­gners’ designs are trans­la­ted into HTML and CSS. They make web­sites func­tion­al and often pro­gram cus­tom appli­ca­ti­ons such as chats, inter­faces and con­fi­gu­ra­tors.

For a web­site you need both the web design and web deve­lo­p­ment.

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WordPress web design: project flow

With the­se 5 steps we ensu­re an opti­mal work­flow.



The basis for a long-term suc­cessful pro­ject is the con­cep­ti­on pha­se. What do you want to achie­ve with the web­site? What are the requi­re­ments? Which tar­get group should be addres­sed? All the­se ques­ti­ons are cla­ri­fied in the plan­ning pha­se.


Screen Design & Web Design

The pro­ject para­me­ters are set, then you can start with the screen design & web design. Struc­tures and design ele­ments are posi­tio­ned, navi­ga­ti­on paths defi­ned, colors and texts set. Glad­ly in clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with you, this makes it pos­si­ble to give the web­site the per­fect finis­hing tou­ch­es.


Web development

The web design pro­cess is com­ple­te and ever­yo­ne is hap­py. Then we can get straight to work on the exe­cu­ta­ble imple­men­ta­ti­on. The finis­hed web design is rea­li­zed with HTML & CSS and then inte­gra­ted Word­Press. You can deci­de for yours­elf if you pre­fer your own the­me or if you would rather use a pre­mi­um the­me. Of cour­se, the imple­men­ta­ti­on is car­ri­ed out taking into account all our qua­li­ty stan­dards.



The web­site is up, the web design has been imple­men­ted in Word­Press and the con­tent has been added. Then we can start to launch the web­site. To ensu­re that ever­y­thing runs smooth­ly, we accom­pa­ny you during the enti­re release and moni­tor the indi­vi­du­al steps up to the publi­ca­ti­on.



After publi­ca­ti­on, we con­duct a recap in which we dis­cuss with you how you felt about the pro­cess. If you wish, we will be hap­py to accom­pa­ny you in the future and car­ry out adjus­t­ments and opti­miza­ti­ons of any kind for you. We also offer spe­cial main­ten­an­ce packa­ges for small and lar­ge com­pa­nies.

Request WordPress web designer

Inte­res­ted? Let’s talk!

We are hap­py to sup­port you with your Word­Press pro­ject and give you advice and sup­port. Let us talk about your pro­ject wit­hout obli­ga­ti­on.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have ques­ti­ons about web design with Word­Press?

WordPress Blog

Need help with Word­Press web design?

Take a look at the Forge12 blog for hel­pful tips and tricks on using the plug­in.