WordPress training

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Thanks to our dai­ly work with Word­Press, we can pro­vi­de you with in-depth know­ledge.

WordPress Schulung
WordPress Schulung
WordPress Schulung
WordPress Schulung Beginner

Basic training for beginners

The basic trai­ning cour­se gui­des you through the most important topics in Word­Press. From set­up, the­mes and plug­ins to crea­ting posts and pages.

Intermediate training for advanced users

In this trai­ning cour­se, we will deepen your know­ledge of the basics and look at more com­plex topics. The­re are also prac­ti­cal examp­les and SEO Insi­des.

WordPress Schulung Intermediate
WooCommerce Schulung

WooCommerce training for store operators

The trai­ning is all about Woo­Com­mer­ce. The crea­ti­on of pro­ducts, varia­ti­ons and sub­scrip­ti­ons is cover­ed in depth here. Topics such as e‑billing, GDPR, pay­ment pro­vi­ders, one-stop stores and down­loads are also cover­ed.

Enquire now without obligation and benefit from first-class service

Wri­te to us using the cont­act form or make an appoint­ment direct­ly.

Geben Sie hier Ihre Anmer­kun­gen an.