
WordPress relocation service

Would you like to move your web­site or online store to a new ser­ver? No pro­blem — we will take care of the move for you. Fast, secu­re and uncom­pli­ca­ted.


from €80


For small and lar­ge web­sites

  • 1x Word­Press instal­la­ti­on

  • Data­ba­se and files

  • Set­ting up the new data­ba­se

  • Trans­fer DNS set­tings

  • Advice included

  • Redu­ce down­ti­mes

Extrem schnel­ler, fle­xi­bler & pro­fes­sio­nel­ler Ser­vice. Ger­ne wie­der!
Lustige K. Avatar
Lus­ti­ge K.
Top! Super Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on, schnel­le Bear­bei­tung, fai­re Prei­se!
Jessica S. Avatar
Jes­si­ca S.
Uner­war­tet schnel­le und kom­pe­ten­te Hil­fe in einer Kon­fe­renz­schal­tung, nach­dem ich bereits vie­le gut­ge­mein­te Tipps erhal­ten hat­te, die mich nicht wei­ter­ge­bracht hät­ten. Idea­ler Koope­ra­ti­ons­part­ner!
Rita C. Avatar
Rita C.
Ich wur­de gut bera­ten — auch wenn es nicht zu einer Zusam­men­ar­beit gekom­men ist. Vie­len Dank für die Tipps.
Nebi M. Avatar
Nebi M.

WordPress relocation service

We offer pro­fes­sio­nal moving ser­vice for your Word­Press web­site and online store.

Your web­site will remain acces­si­ble during the move. To ensu­re this, files from the web­site are trans­fer­red first. After­wards we trans­fer your data­ba­se — the brain of your web­site. Final­ly, we adjust the para­me­ters of the data­ba­se so that Word­Press runs as befo­re.

We per­form the move in the back­ground while your web­site remains online.

In many cases, e‑mails and DNS set­tings are also affec­ted when a ser­ver is chan­ged. To make sure you don’t lose any emails in the end, we advi­se you in advan­ce on what to look out for and help you make sure not­hing gets lost.

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We also suc­cessful­ly trans­fer lar­ger pro­jects.

We also move online stores and multisites for you.

As an expe­ri­en­ced part­ner, we also sup­port the relo­ca­ti­on of Word­Press web­sites within a Mul­ti­Si­te instal­la­ti­on. Migra­ti­on of this kind is also not a pro­blem for us.

We also car­ry out rem­ovals for online stores, making sure that no orders or cus­to­mers are lost. In the pro­cess, we per­form a com­pa­ri­son with the old data­ba­se after the move. During the recon­ci­lia­ti­on pro­cess, stuck orders and cus­to­mers are unco­ver­ed and trans­fer­red to the new sys­tem.

Would you like to work with us?

Let us dis­cuss ever­y­thing in peace and quiet during a free intro­duc­to­ry mee­ting. Book your desi­red date direct­ly here.

10,000 com­ple­ted orders

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Frequently asked questions about WordPress relocation service

Do you have ques­ti­ons about moving your Word­Press web­site or Woo­Com­mer­ce store? At the bot­tom of the list you will find the most fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons. If your ques­ti­on is not lis­ted, plea­se feel free to cont­act us at any time.