WordPress Hosting

More performance for your website

Bene­fit from a fast and secu­re infra­struc­tu­re, Redis caching and com­pe­tent sup­port.

WordPress Hosting / Server
WordPress Hosting Optimierung

Hosting optimized for WordPress applications

Thanks to our spe­cia­liza­ti­on in Word­Press, we can opti­mi­ze the ser­vers for hos­ting Word­Press appli­ca­ti­ons. Easier. Fas­ter. Safer.

Always at the cutting edge of technology

Thanks to regu­lar upgrades, the ser­vers are regu­lar­ly equip­ped with the latest tech­no­lo­gies.

WordPress Hosting Technologie
WordPress Hosting Technologie
WordPress Hosting Technologie
WordPress Hosting Support

Exclusive technical support

We are on hand to advi­se you on all aspects of your hos­ting. From set­ting up DNS set­tings and crea­ting email addres­ses to con­fi­gu­ring con­tent deli­very net­works, we are the­re for you.

Free WordPress migration

We advi­se you in advan­ce and then car­ry out the relo­ca­ti­on of your web­site for you free of char­ge.

WordPress Umzug
WordPress Umzug
WordPress Umzug
Geben Sie hier Ihre Anmer­kun­gen an.

Enquire now without obligation and benefit from first-class service

Wri­te to us using the cont­act form or make an appoint­ment direct­ly.