WordPress Password Generator

Gene­ra­te a new Word­Press pass­word, a new Word­Press hash for your log­in

How can I replace my WordPress password?

If you have for­got­ten your pass­word, you can crea­te a new one at any time using the ‘For­got your pass­word? opti­on can be gene­ra­ted by Word­Press. It only beco­mes dif­fi­cult if you no lon­ger have access to the accoun­t’s e‑mail address or the ‘For­got your pass­word? opti­on no lon­ger works.

In most cases, the only way out is via the data­ba­se. Word­Press stores the pass­words in the data­ba­se in encrypt­ed form for secu­ri­ty reasons. It is the­r­e­fo­re not pos­si­ble to sim­ply read or replace them. First you have to encrypt the pass­word using the Word­Press hash algo­rithm.

Of cour­se, this is not so easy for the lay­man. So that you don’t have to sit down to learn pro­gramming, we have crea­ted an online Word­Press pass­word hash gene­ra­tor for you.

Sim­ply enter the desi­red pass­word in the text field abo­ve and our online gene­ra­tor will take care of the encryp­ti­on. You then only need to add the pass­word to your data­ba­se.

To make things easier for you, we have gene­ra­ted two SQL state­ments. The­re you only have to replace the pla­ce­hol­ders and then insert them into PhpMy­Ad­min.

Atten­ti­on: We have used the “wp_” pre­fix for the SQL state­ments. If you ente­red a dif­fe­rent one during instal­la­ti­on, you must replace it.

What is the difference between SQL statement (user name) and SQL statement (e‑mail)?

The­re is none. The SQL state­ment (user­na­me) chan­ges the pass­word based on the user name, while the SQL state­ment (e‑mail) chan­ges the pass­word depen­ding on the user’s e‑mail address.

We sim­ply wan­ted to offer an alter­na­ti­ve opti­on here, as we have often expe­ri­en­ced that users use spe­cial cha­rac­ters or Cyril­lic cha­rac­ters, for exam­p­le, which are dif­fi­cult to reco­gni­ze. We have the­r­e­fo­re deci­ded to gene­ra­te both SQL state­ments for you as a tem­p­la­te so that one of the two SQL state­ments will help you to reco­ver the pass­word if the worst comes to the worst.

I don’t know my way around, can you help me?

Yes, if you get stuck or sim­ply want to play it safe, you can always ask us to crea­te your pass­word. The best way to cont­act us is by e‑mail, cont­act form or by pho­ne.