The per­fect home for your Word­Press pro­jects

Full­stack Word­Press agen­cy with end­less pos­si­bi­li­ties for your Word­Press pro­jects.

Services from


per hour

For recur­ring Word­Press tasks

  • Word­Press web design

  • Word­Press deve­lo­p­ment
  • Plug­in deve­lo­p­ment

  • The­me deve­lo­p­ment

  • Con­tent main­ten­an­ce

  • Blog posts

  • SEO opti­miza­ti­on

Die Fa. Forge12 wur­de durch uns damit beauf­tragt eine Word­press Home­page mit Shop zu erstel­len. Die Betreu­ung und Rea­li­sie­rung erfolg­te pri­mär durch Herrn Wag­ner. Wir haben Herrn Wag­ner als sehr kom­pe­ten­ten und zuver­läs­si­gen Part­ner ken­nen­ge­lernt, der sein Wis­sen in der Pla­nungs­pha­se mit ein­ge­bracht und somit von Beginn an gehol­fen hat das Pro­jekt opti­mal umzu­set­zen. Herr Wag­ner hat für alle Auf­ga­ben opti­ma­le Lösun­gen prä­sen­tiert und berät kom­pe­tent und vor­aus­schau­end. Daher wird die Fa. Forge12 von uns unein­ge­schränkt wei­ter­emp­foh­len. Im Ergeb­nis aus der super Zusam­men­ar­beit las­sen wir auch die künf­ti­gen War­tungs­ar­bei­ten durch Forge12 durch­füh­ren und freu­en uns auf ein wei­te­res Pro­jekt das wir dem­nächst mit Forge12 begin­nen wer­den.
Christopher P. Avatar
Chris­to­pher P.
Sehr kom­pe­ten­tes und ser­vice­ori­en­tier­tes Unter­neh­men. Unkom­pli­zier­te Pro­jekt­ab­wick­lung, pro­ak­ti­ve Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on und sehr schnel­le Umset­zung. Ein­fach nur zu emp­feh­len! Vie­len Dank noch­mals!
Nikolaos T. Avatar
Niko­la­os T.
Schnel­le Rück­mel­dung und guter Sup­port. Wei­ter so!
Jannik L. Avatar
Jan­nik L.
Herr Wag­ner bie­tet wirk­lich einen her­vor­ra­gen­den Sup­port zu sei­nen Pro­duk­ten. Die schnel­le Reak­ti­ons­zeit und die promp­te Lösungs­be­reit­stel­lung waren sehr gut. Vie­len Dank für die pro­fes­sio­nel­le Betreu­ung.
Andreas S. Avatar
Andre­as S.

WordPress services

We help you com­ple­te your Word­Press pro­ject in a goal-ori­en­ted way

Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve is the agen­cy for Word­Press and Woo­Com­mer­ce. As a part­ner we are at your dis­po­sal for all tech­ni­cal ques­ti­ons and take over the rea­liza­ti­on of web­sites, online stores and indi­vi­du­al deve­lo­p­ments. We will be hap­py to advi­se you in advan­ce free of char­ge.

70+ gro­wing com­pa­nies trust us

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What we develop with WordPress

We crea­te sales-opti­mi­zed Word­Press web­sites that are not only visual­ly appe­al­ing and tech­ni­cal­ly flaw­less, but also gene­ra­te mea­sur­a­b­ly more inqui­ries through increased visi­bi­li­ty. In our Word­Press agen­cy, experts from the fields of web design, Word­Press deve­lo­p­ment, SEO, con­tent and pro­ject manage­ment work hand in hand on your Word­Press pro­ject.

Cor­po­ra­te web­sites with Word­Press

Impres­si­ve brand pre­sen­ces or opti­mi­zed sales tools for B2B and B2c com­pa­nies.

referenz billwerk

Affi­lia­te net­works with Word­Press

Auto­ma­ted affi­lia­te online stores with Woo­Com­mer­ce. Respon­si­ve design and fast loa­ding times included.

referenz mein fussballschuh

Online stores with Woo­Com­mer­ce

Con­ver­si­on-opti­mi­zed online stores with auto­ma­ted WAWI con­nec­tion (Büro­wa­re, Mein Büro, Bill­bee, …)

referenz blattert

Everything under one roof


Word­Press hos­ting

Rea­dy to take your web­site to the next level? With our Word­Press hos­ting, you get opti­mum speed and maxi­mum secu­ri­ty. Let our com­pe­tent sup­port team help you.


Word­Press web­site

We take over the deve­lo­p­ment and design of your Word­Press web­sites. From simp­le landing pages to full-blown e‑commerce sys­tems, our team of experts will sup­port and advi­se you.


Word­Press main­ten­an­ce

Our ser­vice team pro­vi­des you with ongo­ing sup­port for the main­ten­an­ce and upkeep of your Word­Press web­sites. From instal­ling updates and crea­ting back­ups to trou­ble­shoo­ting, we are the­re for you.


Word­Press Aca­de­my

Dis­co­ver our trai­ning, coa­ching and tuto­ri­als on Word­Press in our in-house Aca­de­my.

Our Word­Press plug­ins

Many of our in-house Word­Press plug­ins can also be found in the offi­ci­al Word­Press plug­in store as light ver­si­ons. You can thus first con­vin­ce yours­elf of our qua­li­ty befo­re ent­rus­ting us with your pro­jects. All accor­ding to Word­Press codex, object ori­en­ted and name­spa­ced.

  • Double opt-in for Contact Form 7

    From: 49,00  / year

    With our Cont­act Form 7 dou­ble opt-in plug­in, you can easi­ly add a GDPR-com­pli­ant opt-in sys­tem to your cont­act forms. The data can be con­ve­ni­ent­ly expor­ted in the pro­cess. The sto­rage peri­od of the data can be indi­vi­du­al­ly adapt­ed to your requi­re­ments.

    excl. VAT

    Sel­ect opti­ons This pro­duct has mul­ti­ple vari­ants. The opti­ons may be cho­sen on the pro­duct page Details
  • WooCommerce Accessories Plugin

    From: 29,00  / year

    With our Woo­Com­mer­ce pro­duct access­ories plug­in you can add optio­nal and requi­red access­ories to your pro­ducts. Increase your cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion and boost your sales with just a few clicks. Includes shop­ping cart & pri­ce update.

    excl. VAT

    zzgl. Ver­sand­kos­ten

    Sel­ect opti­ons This pro­duct has mul­ti­ple vari­ants. The opti­ons may be cho­sen on the pro­duct page Details
  • Double opt-in for Elementor forms

    From: 49,00  / year

    With our dou­ble opt-in plug­in for Ele­men­tor forms, you can easi­ly add a GDPR-com­pli­ant opt-in sys­tem to your cont­act forms. The data can be con­ve­ni­ent­ly expor­ted in the pro­cess. The sto­rage peri­od of the data can be indi­vi­du­al­ly adapt­ed to your requi­re­ments.

    excl. VAT

    Sel­ect opti­ons This pro­duct has mul­ti­ple vari­ants. The opti­ons may be cho­sen on the pro­duct page Details

Services that can be booked online

How do we approach your
web­site pro­ject?

Would you like to work with us?

Let’s dis­cuss ever­y­thing in peace and quiet during a free intro­duc­to­ry mee­ting. Book your desi­red date direct­ly here.