Test the respon­se time of your ser­ver.

Time to first byte check

Con­ve­ni­ent­ly test the respon­se time of your ser­ver using our TTFB online test.

What is the time to first byte (TTFB)?

The Time To First Byte mea­su­res how long it takes for the first byte from the ser­ver to be recei­ved by the brow­ser. In short, how quick­ly does your ser­ver respond to a request from a visi­tor?

Why is the TTFB so important?

Speed counts on the Inter­net. The fas­ter your ser­ver can respond to a request from your visi­tors, the fas­ter data is sent and the web­site is loa­ded. The TTFB also plays a role in Goo­g­le’s intro­du­ced Core Web Vitals with regard to the loa­ding times of your web­site. It is the­r­e­fo­re also a ran­king fac­tor in the Goog­le search engi­ne.

How can I optimize the TTFB?

The TTFB is most­ly ser­ver-depen­dent. So unfort­u­na­te­ly the­re is not much you can do. The most obvious solu­ti­on is to switch to a fas­ter pro­vi­der. You can also try instal­ling a caching tool (e.g. WP Rocket). The use of con­tent deli­very net­works can also be hel­pful.