Text and character counter

Online tool for coun­ting cha­rac­ters.

Cha­rac­ters: 0
Words: 0
Spaces: 0
Cha­rac­ters wit­hout spaces: 0
Para­graphs: 0
Sen­tence Length: 0
Update: 0 (best: 40–80 cha­rac­ters)
Ad title: 0 (best: 5 words)
Ad text: 0 (best: 14 words)
Face­book Post: 0 (max: 63,206 cha­rac­ters)
Face­book User­na­me: 0 (max: 50 cha­rac­ters)
Face­book Page Descrip­ti­on: 0 (max: 155 cha­rac­ters)
Face­book Comm­ents: 0 (max: 8,000 cha­rac­ters)
Tweet: 0 (best: 100, max: 280 cha­rac­ters)
Com­pa­ny update: 0 (max: 700 cha­rac­ters)
Com­pa­ny Name: 0 (max: 100 cha­rac­ters)
About us: 0 (max: 2,000 cha­rac­ters)
Page Name: 0 (max: 50 cha­rac­ters)
Com­pa­ny lea­ders head­line: 0 (max: 150 cha­rac­ters)
Com­pa­ny lea­ders descrip­ti­on: 0 (max: 150 cha­rac­ters)
Employee Tes­ti­mo­ni­als: 0 (max: 400 cha­rac­ters)
Recom­men­da­ti­on: 0 (max: 3,000 cha­rac­ters)
Post Title: 0 (max: 150 cha­rac­ters)
Post: 0 (max: 120,000 cha­rac­ters)
Cap­ti­ons: 0 (best: 138–150 cha­rac­ters, max: 2,200 cha­rac­ters)
Cap­ti­ons for Ads: 0 (best: 125 cha­rac­ters)
Num­ber of Hash­tags: 0 (best: 5–10, max: 30)
Length of the Hash­tag: 0 (best: 24 cha­rac­ters)
Bio: 0 (max: 150 cha­rac­ters)

What is a character number?

The num­ber of cha­rac­ters refers to all the cha­rac­ters that appear in a text. This also includes spaces, peri­ods and com­mas. It is always important when a text must not exceed a cer­tain length. For exam­p­le, texts from social media such as Twit­ter, Face­book and Insta­gram are rest­ric­ted. The num­ber of cha­rac­ters is also used to find out which length achie­ves the best results.

The num­ber of cha­rac­ters also plays a role in trans­la­ti­ons. For exam­p­le, trans­la­ti­on agen­ci­es or DeepL appli­ca­ti­ons char­ge depen­ding on the num­ber of cha­rac­ters. Some trans­la­tors also use the length wit­hout spaces.

What is the difference between word count and character count?

The word count counts all the words in the text, while the cha­rac­ter count counts all the cha­rac­ters in the text. Spe­cial cha­rac­ters are also coun­ted for cha­rac­ters. Howe­ver, this is not the case with words.

How can I find out the character length?

To deter­mi­ne the cha­rac­ter length, you can use appli­ca­ti­ons such as Word or Open­Of­fice. Alter­na­tively, you can also deter­mi­ne the cha­rac­ter length using our cha­rac­ter coun­ter. Sim­ply copy your text into the text field abo­ve and our cha­rac­ter coun­ter will deter­mi­ne the num­ber of cha­rac­ters, the num­ber of words, para­graphs and sen­tence length. We have also included important key figu­res on social media in our cha­rac­ter coun­ter. This allows you to check at any time whe­ther you are excee­ding the maxi­mum length for a tweet, a Face­book post or your per­mit­ted hash­tags.