Cancellation policy

Right of with­dra­wal

You have the right to with­draw from this con­tract within 14 days wit­hout giving any reason. The with­dra­wal peri­od is four­teen days from the date of con­clu­si­on of the con­tract.

To exer­cise your right of with­dra­wal, you must cont­act us, Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve GmbH, Fich­ten­weg 5, 78166 Donau­eschin­gen, Tel. +49 (0) 771 175 14272, E‑Mail: [email protected], of your decis­i­on to with­draw from this con­tract by an unequi­vo­cal state­ment (e.g. a let­ter sent by post, fax or e‑mail). You can use the model with­dra­wal form sug­gested below, but this is not man­da­to­ry. To meet the with­dra­wal dead­line, it is suf­fi­ci­ent for you to send your noti­fi­ca­ti­on of with­dra­wal befo­re the with­dra­wal peri­od has expi­red.

Con­se­quen­ces of revo­ca­ti­on

If you with­draw from this con­tract, we shall reim­bur­se to you all pay­ments recei­ved from you, inclu­ding the cos­ts of deli­very (with the excep­ti­on of the sup­ple­men­ta­ry cos­ts resul­ting from your choice of a type of deli­very other than the least expen­si­ve type of stan­dard deli­very offe­red by us), wit­hout undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are infor­med about your decis­i­on to with­draw from this con­tract. For this repay­ment, we will use the same means of pay­ment that you used for the ori­gi­nal tran­sac­tion, unless express­ly agreed other­wi­se with you; in no case will we char­ge you any fees for this repay­ment. If you have reques­ted that the ser­vices should com­mence during the with­dra­wal peri­od, you shall pay us a reasonable amount cor­re­spon­ding to the pro­por­ti­on of the ser­vices alre­a­dy pro­vi­ded up to the time at which you inform us of the exer­cise of the right of with­dra­wal with regard to this con­tract com­pared to the total scope of the ser­vices pro­vi­ded for in the con­tract.


Sam­ple with­dra­wal form

Sam­ple with­dra­wal form

(If you wish to can­cel the con­tract, you can, but do not have to, fill out this form and send it back to us).

Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve GmbH, Fich­ten­weg 5, 78166 Donau­eschin­gen,

Tel. +49 (0) 771 175 14272, e‑mail: [email protected]

I/we (*) her­eby revo­ke the con­tract con­cluded by me/us (*) for the purcha­se of the fol­lo­wing goods/the pro­vi­si­on of the fol­lo­wing ser­vices:

(Plea­se spe­ci­fy goods here)

Orde­red on… (*)/received on… (*)

Name of the consumer(s):

Address of the consumer(s):

Signa­tu­re of the consumer(s) (only for noti­fi­ca­ti­on on paper):


(*) Plea­se dele­te as appli­ca­ble.