
WordPress Floating Menu

Easi­ly crea­te any num­ber of floa­ting menus for your Word­Press web­site.

Word­Press Floa­ting Menu

Free of char­ge

The Word­Press Floating/Sticky Menu can be down­loa­ded for free from the Word­Press Plug-in Store. You can also install the plug-in direct­ly from your Word­Press web­site.

Ich bin wirk­lich glück­lich Nico­le und Marc gefun­den zu haben. Ich bin begeis­tert von der zuver­läs­si­gen und schnel­len Unter­stüt­zung beim Umzug mei­ner Home­page! Der gesam­te Pro­zess ver­lief rei­bungs­los, und selbst der Kun­den­stamm wur­de pro­blem­los über­nom­men. Ein wirk­lich emp­feh­lens­wer­ter Ser­vice – vie­len Dank!
Judith J. Avatar
Judith J.
Super Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on und Ser­vice, schnel­le Hil­fe. Nimmt Anlie­gen und Fra­gen ernst und beant­wor­tet sie aus­führ­lich. So soll es sein!
Sven A. Avatar
Sven A.
Marc konn­te uns mit einem “Pro­blem” auf unse­rer home­page hel­fen, an dem wir sehr lan­ge selbst erfolg­los gear­bei­tet hat­ten — er wuss­te in sehr kur­zer Zeit, wie er das Pro­blem behe­ben kann. Dan­ke noch­mal dafür! Team enka
Enka F. Avatar
Enka F.
Sehr kom­pe­ten­tes und ser­vice­ori­en­tier­tes Unter­neh­men. Unkom­pli­zier­te Pro­jekt­ab­wick­lung, pro­ak­ti­ve Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on und sehr schnel­le Umset­zung. Ein­fach nur zu emp­feh­len! Vie­len Dank noch­mals!
Nikolaos T. Avatar
Niko­la­os T.

These features are in the WordPress floating menu

Enable the floa­ting menu for indi­vi­du­al pages, post types or for your enti­re web­site.

Unli­mi­t­ed num­ber of menus
Crea­te as many floa­tings menu as you want. Com­ple­te­ly free of char­ge.

Drag’n’Drop sort­ing
Con­ve­ni­ent­ly sort your menus using drag’n’drop.

8 pla­ce­ment opti­ons
Place your menus at any posi­ti­on on the screen.

Show menus depen­ding on the page
Enable/disable menus for spe­ci­fic pages like home page, cont­act page and imprint.

Show menus depen­ding on the post type
Enable/disable menus for spe­ci­fic post types like pro­ducts, blog posts or wikis.

Show your floa­ting menus ever­y­whe­re
Enable menus glo­bal­ly for your who­le web­site or only for indi­vi­du­al lan­guages.

Font Awe­so­me Icons
Choo­se the appro­pria­te icon from the built-in Font Awe­so­me libra­ry.

Cus­tom icons / images
Use your own icons or upload cus­tom images.

Mobi­le menus
Enable or disable your menus for mobi­le devices.

Dis­play any num­ber of menus
Enable mul­ti­ple menus on your pages. When mul­ti­ple menus are acti­va­ted at the same posi­ti­on, they are mer­ged in the front­end.

Add fancy floating menus to your website

With our free Word­Press floa­ting menu plug­in, you’ll impro­ve your website’s user expe­ri­ence in no time.

Sehr pro­fes­sio­nel­le und zuver­läs­si­ge Umset­zung. Kann ich abso­lut emp­feh­len!
Wir haben mit Forge12 eine Web­site rea­li­siert. Sehr ange­neh­me Zusam­men­ar­beit. Gute tele­fo­ni­sche Erreich­bar­keit. Alle Anpas­sungs­wün­sche wur­den umge­setzt. Wir sind mit dem Ergeb­nis sehr zufrie­den und kön­nen Forge12 aus­nahms­los wei­ter­emp­feh­len!
Sehr freund­li­che und schnel­le Unter­stüt­zung bei gro­ßen und klei­nen Pro­ble­men! Ech­te Pro­fis mit fai­rem Preis-Leis­­tungs-Ver­­häl­t­­nis.

Create as many menus for your website as you like

The Word­Press floa­ting menu plug­in allows you to crea­te as many menus as you want. The menus are crea­ted Word­Press com­pli­ant and can be impor­ted and expor­ted via Word­Press.

WordPress Floating Menü beliebig viele Menüs
WordPress Floating Menü Drag & Drop

Drag & drop sorting

Crea­ted menu items can be reor­de­red as desi­red. Sim­ply use the inte­gra­ted drag & drop sys­tem. With it you will mana­ge the arran­ge­ment in no time.

Choose the appropriate icon / image for your menu items

The floa­ting menu also gives you com­ple­te fle­xi­bi­li­ty in choo­sing the icons for your menu items. Choo­se an icon from the built-in Font Awe­so­me libra­ry or upload your own image to the libra­ry. Exter­nal resour­ces are also sup­port­ed. With it you can design your Word­Press menus even bet­ter accor­ding to your wis­hes.

WordPress Floating Menü Icons / Bilder
WordPress Floating Menü anzeigen / verstecken

Show your menus wherever you like

It’s up to you to deter­mi­ne which page, post type, and lan­guage you want to dis­play your menus on.

Glo­bal — Enable indi­vi­du­al or all menus glo­bal­ly for your enti­re web­site.

By pages — show or hide indi­vi­du­al menus on sel­ec­ted pages.

Post Type — You want indi­vi­du­al menus only for cer­tain post types (pro­ducts, posts, wikis …)? No pro­blem — just sel­ect the desi­red Post Types to dis­play your menu.

Set colors, position and sizes

You can design your menus indi­vi­du­al­ly or glo­bal­ly accor­ding to your wis­hes. Colors, font sizes, spa­cing and posi­ti­ons can be easi­ly set via the set­tings.

Each menu can also be modi­fied indi­vi­du­al­ly via CSS in case you want to make your own ani­ma­ti­ons or advan­ced cus­to­miza­ti­ons.

WordPress Floating Menü Layout
Extrem schnel­ler, fle­xi­bler & pro­fes­sio­nel­ler Ser­vice. Ger­ne wie­der!
Super kom­pe­tent, immer hilfs­be­reit und sehr freund­lich. Dan­ke Marc 😊
Sehr pro­fes­sio­nel­le Bera­tung und super schnel­le Umset­zung der Auf­trä­ge! Know-how in diver­sen Berei­chen und tol­ler Kun­den­ser­vice. Vie­len Dank!

Get the Word­Press floa­ting menu now for free

Free down­load from Word­Press Plug­in Store only now.