
WordPress Captcha

Tired of unneces­sa­ry spam on your web­site? With our Cont­act Form 7 Captcha plug­in you can quick­ly and easi­ly insert arith­me­tic or image-based captchas. DSGVO com­pli­ant. Now also with Honey­pot alter­na­ti­ve.

Word­Press Captcha

Free of char­ge

Captcha for Cont­act Form 7, Ava­da, Ele­men­tor and Word­Press can be down­loa­ded for free from the Word­Press Plug-in Store. You can also install the plug-in direct­ly from your Word­Press web­site.

Marc konn­te uns mit einem “Pro­blem” auf unse­rer home­page hel­fen, an dem wir sehr lan­ge selbst erfolg­los gear­bei­tet hat­ten — er wuss­te in sehr kur­zer Zeit, wie er das Pro­blem behe­ben kann. Dan­ke noch­mal dafür! Team enka
Enka F. Avatar
Enka F.
Wir haben bereits in meh­re­ren Pro­jek­ten mit Forge12 zusam­men­ge­ar­bei­tet. Mit Herrn Wag­ner hat­ten wir einen sehr kom­pe­ten­ten Ansprech­part­ner. Egal ob tech­ni­sche Ange­le­gen­hei­ten oder Typo3-spe­zi­fi­sche Ent­wick­lungs­mög­lich­kei­ten – immer kom­pe­tent und gut erreich­bar!
Marcel I. Avatar
Mar­cel I.
Die Zusam­men­ar­beit mit forge12 ver­lief sehr pro­fes­sio­nell, ziel­ori­en­tiert und vor allem rei­bungs­los. Das Team hat unse­re Vor­ga­ben per­fekt umge­setzt und wir wür­den sie jeder­zeit wie­der beauf­tra­gen — vie­len Dank!
Marcel G. Avatar
Mar­cel G.
Super schnel­le und net­te Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on! Sehr gute Umset­zung mei­ner Ideen! Vie­len Dank!
Simone S. Avatar
Simo­ne S.

These features are in the WordPress Captcha plugin

Akti­vie­re das Captcha für ein­zel­ne For­mu­la­re, für alle For­mu­la­re oder aber nur für aus­ge­wähl­te Berei­che wie Woo­Com­mer­ce, Ava­da, Cont­act Form 7 und WPForms For­mu­la­re.

Honey­pot, math or image captcha
Easi­ly and con­ve­ni­ent­ly deter­mi­ne which Cont­act Form 7 captcha method makes the most sen­se for you. Do you want your visi­tors to sol­ve a math pro­blem or read a text com­bi­na­ti­on from an image? You have the choice and can deci­de free­ly. Howe­ver, if your visi­tors are more of the com­for­ta­ble sort, then you should go for the Honey­pot solu­ti­on.

Glo­bal Captcha Pro­tec­tion
You can choo­se at any time whe­ther you want to acti­va­te the Cont­act Form 7 captcha glo­bal­ly for all forms or only local­ly for sel­ec­ted forms. This allows you to exclude indi­vi­du­al forms from the secu­ri­ty mecha­nisms. Advan­ta­ge­ous when it comes to forms in an inter­nal area or forms behind a pass­word pro­tec­ted page.

Addi­tio­nal IP pro­tec­tion
Use IP pro­tec­tion to auto­ma­ti­cal­ly block visi­tors who try to send spam mes­sa­ges through your forms too often, in too short a time. IP addres­ses are anony­mi­zed via one-way encryp­ti­on.

Addi­tio­nal spam fil­ters
Enable addi­tio­nal spam fil­ters that pro­vi­de extra pro­tec­tion for your Cont­act Form 7 forms. Auto­ma­ti­cal­ly scan your forms for links, BB code or cus­tom terms to pre­vent sen­ding spam. All fil­ters can be con­ve­ni­ent­ly acti­va­ted from the Cont­act Form 7 Captcha Dash­board.

Import black­list
Through the Word­Press Captcha plug­in, we auto­ma­ti­cal­ly pro­vi­de you with a black­list that you can import with just one click. You can easi­ly extend it to react to new spam mes­sa­ges (if the­re are any) at any time.

Plug-in sup­port
Word­Press Captcha can be enab­led for Ava­da Forms, Ele­men­tor Forms, Word­Press Comm­ents, Word­Press Log-in, Word­Press Regis­tra­ti­on, Woo­Com­mer­ce Log­in, Woo­Com­mer­ce Regis­tra­ti­on and Ulti­ma­te Mem­bers. Feel free to let us know if you want us to include ano­ther sys­tem.

Protect your WordPress forms against spam

With our free captcha pro­tec­tion you can effec­tively pro­tect your Word­Press forms against spam. Just try it out. It’s free, but it’s not free.

Sehr kom­pe­ten­tes und ser­vice­ori­en­tier­tes Unter­neh­men. Unkom­pli­zier­te Pro­jekt­ab­wick­lung, pro­ak­ti­ve Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on und sehr schnel­le Umset­zung. Ein­fach nur zu emp­feh­len! Vie­len Dank noch­mals!
Top! Super Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on, schnel­le Bear­bei­tung, fai­re Prei­se!
Groß­ar­ti­ger Web­ent­wick­ler!!! Herr Wag­ner nimmt sich Zeit für sei­ne Kun­den, hält ein­zig­ar­ti­ge Pro­blem­lö­sun­gen bereit und berät vor­aus­schau­end, kom­pe­tent und mit viel Know-how. Oft­mals wur­den die Erwar­tun­gen über­trof­fen. Abso­lut emp­feh­lens­wert bei klei­nen und gro­ßen Pro­jek­ten! Vie­len Dank für die bis­he­ri­ge, erfolg­rei­che Zusam­men­ar­beit. In Vor­freu­de auf die nächs­ten Pro­jek­te mit Ihnen!

How does the Contact Form 7 captcha work?

A spam-free web­site in just 3 steps.


Download plugin

The first thing you need to do is down­load the Cont­act Form 7 captcha. You can do this direct­ly via the Plug­in Mana­ger of Word­Press.


Activate plugin

After down­loa­ding, you can only acti­va­te the plug­in as usu­al via the Word­Press Plug­in Mana­ger.


Configure Captcha

With a few clicks you can now set up your black­list, set fil­ters and add captchas.

Simple operation

Word­Press Captcha is desi­gned to inte­gra­te seam­less­ly with Word­Press. Cus­to­mers can inte­gra­te an indi­vi­du­al captcha for each form wit­hout pro­gramming know­ledge or sim­ply acti­va­te glo­bal pro­tec­tion with a click.

Thanks to the pro­vi­ded input mask, all set­tings for the captcha pro­tec­tion of Word­Press comm­ents, Ava­da Forms and Cont­act Form 7 forms can be easi­ly set via the Word­Press backend.

Sim­ply sel­ect the desi­red area (Cont­act Form 7, Ava­da, …), choo­se a pro­tec­tion (honey­pot, math or image captcha) and then acti­va­te the captcha pro­tec­tion.

WordPress Captcha Einstellungen
Contact Form 7 Captcha

Contact Form 7 Captcha Integration in the Form Tag Generator

Use the fami­li­ar form tag gene­ra­tor of Cont­act Form 7 to spe­ci­fy all the important set­tings for the captcha.

  • Cont­act Form 7 Inte­gra­ti­on

  • Form tag gene­ra­tor for con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on

  • Inte­gra­ti­on of image captchas

  • Math / cal­cu­la­ti­on captcha inte­gra­ti­on

  • Trans­la­ti­on sup­port

Captcha methods

The Word­Press Captcha plug-in sup­ports three captcha methods.

Honey­pot — Honey­pot captcha, a hid­den field to detect bots. Bots can­not distin­gu­ish bet­ween honey­pot fields and a nor­mal field, our plug-in takes advan­ta­ge of this. If the field is fil­led in, the bot has ente­red our honey pot and is iden­ti­fied as a spam­mer.

Image Captcha — This captcha gene­ra­tes an image, with a ran­dom cha­rac­ter com­bi­na­ti­on. The visi­tor must actively insert the captcha code into the field pro­vi­ded. If you enter the wrong data, the form will not be sent.

Math Captcha — This captcha method crea­tes a ran­dom math pro­blem that the visi­tor must sol­ve. The­se are simp­le tasks at the ele­men­ta­ry school level. If you enter the wrong data, the form will not be sent.

WordPress Captcha Methoden
Zeitbasierter Formular Schutz

Time based protection

Time-based pro­tec­tion allows you to acti­va­te ano­ther secu­ri­ty mecha­nism. The prin­ci­ple is based on the assump­ti­on that a bot actively opens a page and sear­ches for a form. If found, this is fil­led in and sent within a few mil­li­se­conds.

The Word­Press Captcha plug­in takes advan­ta­ge of this beha­vi­or. If enab­led, all users who sub­mit a form in the defi­ned time peri­od will be iden­ti­fied as spam­mers.

Filter rules

Fil­ters allow you to acti­va­te addi­tio­nal rules that pro­tect your forms.

URL Fil­ter — The URL Fil­ter allows you to limit the num­ber of URLs that can be ente­red in a form.

BB Code Fil­ter — The BB Code Fil­ter allows you to detect and dis­al­low BB code for your forms.

Black­list Fil­ter — The Black­list Fil­ter allows you to catch sin­gle words or wild­cards and thus iden­ti­fy the form as spam. A black­list with over 35,000 words in various lan­guages can be impor­ted at the push of a but­ton.

For all fil­ter rules it is pos­si­ble to crea­te an indi­vi­du­al error mes­sa­ge.

WordPress Captcha Filter

Need help with the WordPress Captcha plugin?

Take a look at the Forge12 blog for hel­pful tips and tricks on using the plug­in.

Easi­ly extend Cont­act Form 7 with a captcha.

Effectively avoid spam!

With the pre­mi­um plug­in Forge12 Captcha for Cont­act Form 7 you can easi­ly imple­ment any num­ber of captcha sys­tems in your Cont­act Form 7 forms.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have ques­ti­ons about our Cont­act Form 7 Captcha plug­in?

Yes, the plug­in does not use exter­nal resour­ces and does not set coo­kies. IP addres­ses are obfus­ca­ted via one-way encryp­ti­on and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dele­ted after 2 months.

No. The plug­in does not use the Goog­le reCAPTCHA.

Spam is usual­ly cau­sed by so-cal­­­led bots. The­se bots search web­sites for forms and then fill them out with pre­vious­ly defi­ned con­tent. Typi­cal­ly, links are included that lead to dubio­us pages whe­re mali­cious code is hid­den. If you open the­se pages, the mali­cious code is often exe­cu­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly in the back­ground. In the worst case, it can hap­pen that someone else has gai­ned com­ple­te con­trol over your com­pu­ter.

So you see, behind the­se spam mes­sa­ges typi­cal­ly hide some hackers or spam­mers who eit­her want to enrich them­sel­ves or sim­ply cau­se dama­ge.

Espe­ci­al­ly, Word­Press cont­act forms are an easy and popu­lar tar­get. This is main­ly due to the fact that Word­Press has now beco­me one of the most wide­ly used CMS sys­tems in the world. So hackers and bots can tar­get a very lar­ge audi­ence right away with a secu­ri­ty hole on Word­Press. The­r­e­fo­re, even small sites are quick­ly floo­ded with spam, as a bot does­n’t care much what kind of site it is.

By pro­tec­ting your web­site with our Cont­act Form 7 captcha, you put a stop to spam on your web­site and pre­vent poten­ti­al secu­ri­ty risks in advan­ce.