
WooCommerce Product Bundle

With the Woo­Com­mer­ce Pro­duct Bund­le plug­in you can now sell your pro­ducts in one packa­ge. Resi­du­al items can be used to maxi­mi­ze your reve­nue. Choo­se a basic pro­duct — add rem­nants and start sel­ling. Fast and uncom­pli­ca­ted.

Woo­Com­mer­ce Pro­duct Bund­le

39,00  / year


A sub­scrip­ti­on entit­les you to one year of updates and sup­port from the date of purcha­se.

badge 30 tage geld zurueck garantie

30 days money back gua­ran­tee

Herr Wag­ner bie­tet wirk­lich einen her­vor­ra­gen­den Sup­port zu sei­nen Pro­duk­ten. Die schnel­le Reak­ti­ons­zeit und die promp­te Lösungs­be­reit­stel­lung waren sehr gut. Vie­len Dank für die pro­fes­sio­nel­le Betreu­ung.
Andreas S. Avatar
Andre­as S.
Ich kann den ande­ren Rezen­sio­nen nur bei­pflich­ten: Der Sup­port ist schlicht schnell, enga­giert, unkom­pli­ziert und ziel­ge­rich­tet. Auch als Käu­fer eines ver­gleichs­wei­se güns­ti­gen Plug­ins wird man nicht im Regen ste­hen gelas­sen, son­dern es wird sich voll hin­ein gekniet, bis das Pro­blem gelöst ist. Cha­peau! Fir­men wie Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve GmbH – und vor allem Herr Wag­ner – geben einem den Glau­ben an gute Soft­ware aus Deutsch­land wie­der.
Jakob M. Avatar
Jakob M.
1a Ser­vice und kun­den­ori­en­tier­te Arbeit. Kann man nur wei­ter­emp­feh­len =)
Dani Avatar
Super schnel­le und net­te Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on! Sehr gute Umset­zung mei­ner Ideen! Vie­len Dank!
Simone S. Avatar
Simo­ne S.

Last update: 19.04.2023

Ver­si­on: 1.11

Create product bundles to increase your sales.

You can com­bi­ne as many pro­ducts as you want into one bund­le and sell them under one main pro­duct. Your cus­to­mers can chan­ge the num­ber of pro­ducts at any time. You can con­ve­ni­ent­ly store the maxi­mum and mini­mum values in the admin panel for each pro­duct in the bund­le.

  • Add any num­ber of pro­ducts to a bund­le
  • Set the max./min. values for your pro­ducts in the bund­le
  • Auto­ma­tic pri­ce adjus­t­ment depen­ding on the desi­red pro­duct quan­ti­ties
  • Increase sales by crea­ting pro­duct bund­les
  • Auto­ma­tic in-stock check that hides non-exis­­tent pro­ducts

  • Sales pri­ces are taken into account in the cal­cu­la­ti­on

  • WPML sup­port

Choo­se sen­si­ble com­bi­na­ti­ons for your pro­duct bund­les and increase your sales figu­res as a result. For exam­p­le, pack head­pho­nes and smart­phones tog­e­ther that add value for your cus­to­mers.

plugin woocommercebundle shop
plugin woocommercebundle adminoberflaeche 1 1

Easily create product bundles

The simp­le admin inter­face makes it easy to crea­te pro­duct bund­les. All set­tings can be made direct­ly in the desi­red pro­duct.

The “Pro­duct Bund­le” tab allows you to easi­ly add exis­ting pro­ducts. The inte­gra­ted search sim­pli­fies the sel­ec­tion of the appro­pria­te pro­duct.

Then you can still defi­ne the num­ber of pro­ducts to ensu­re that no more or less than the spe­ci­fied num­ber can be added to the cart by your cus­to­mer.

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produkt bundle 2

Automated and customizable store view

The set­tings and descrip­ti­ons you made in the WP backend will then trans­fer to a view that the cus­to­mer can under­stand.

Complete control over prices

Give dis­counts on your bund­les by adjus­ting the pri­ce in the set­tings screen in just a few clicks. The dif­fe­rence bet­ween ori­gi­nal and offer pri­ce is visual­ly dis­play­ed in the store view.

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produkt bundle 4

Stocks always in view

Set the stock level of your pro­ducts and bund­les to tell the sys­tem how many bund­les are still pos­si­ble. You can also allow a delay in deli­very if you wish.

Detailed listing also for the customer

Your cus­to­mers will see the bund­le con­tent detail­ed in your shop­ping cart. This pre­vents con­fu­si­on with other pro­ducts. The pri­ce left behind is of cour­se taken into account here.

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produkt bundle 6

Also in the over­view of the pay­ment pro­cess, the bund­le is dis­play­ed along with its con­tents to pro­vi­de cla­ri­ty and avo­id con­fu­si­on.

In the sub­se­quent over­view of the order details, the indi­vi­du­al ele­ments of the bund­le are dis­play­ed as inde­pen­dent pro­ducts wit­hout cos­ts. This way, your cus­to­mers will see all the pro­ducts they have purcha­sed wit­hout worry­ing that the­re was a mista­ke in the pri­ce.

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produkt bundle 8

Customize and edit orders without restrictions

After the order of a bund­le is recei­ved, you can edit it as usu­al in the WP backend, for exam­p­le to add an order item or app­ly a cou­pon after­wards. Sub­se­quent recal­cu­la­ti­on is also pos­si­ble here.

Control the entire process

The pre­vious­ly descri­bed visi­bi­li­ty of the indi­vi­du­al bund­le con­tents in shop­ping cart and over­views can also be tur­ned off or cus­to­mi­zed in the WP backend if desi­red.

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produkt bundle 10

The lis­ting of the indi­vi­du­al pro­duct con­tents of a bund­le can also be cus­to­mi­zed in the store view of the pro­duct befo­re the purcha­se pro­cess. This gives you con­trol over the enti­re pro­cess the cus­to­mer goes through from view to purcha­se.

Top features

Crea­te phy­si­cal, vir­tu­al and down­loa­da­ble bund­les

WPML and Loco Trans­la­te com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty

Auto­ma­tic pri­ce adjus­t­ment

Defi­ne Must-Buy Pro­ducts

Free­ly con­fi­gura­ble for any pro­duct.

Min & Max values free­ly con­fi­gura­ble

Easi­ly extend Woo­Com­mer­ce with a pro­duct bund­le sys­tem

Increase sales thanks to bundles!

With the pre­mi­um plug­in Forge12 Woo­Com­mer­ce Pro­duct Bund­les you can con­ve­ni­ent­ly crea­te a bund­le from any Woo­Com­mer­ce pro­duct. Thanks to the set­tings opti­ons, you set optio­nal and man­da­to­ry pro­ducts. Sel­ling has never been easier!

30 days money back gua­ran­tee

We will glad­ly refund your money if you are not satis­fied with our plug-in.