WooCommerce Package Quantity Control

Con­trol the order quan­ti­ties in Woo­Com­mer­ce with the Packa­ge Quan­ti­ty Con­trol plug­in! Defi­ne fixed quan­ti­ty packa­ges for your pro­ducts and pre­vent incor­rect orders. Ide­al for retail­ers who only want to sell pro­ducts in cer­tain quan­ti­ties.

19,00  / year

Ein Abon­ne­ment berech­tigt Sie zu einem Jahr Updates und Sup­port ab dem Kauf­da­tum.

Last update: 22.02.2025

Ver­si­on: 1.0.0

E-Commerce mit WooCommerce

Maximum control over order quantities!

Sell your pro­ducts only in the quan­ti­ties that make sen­se for you! With Woo­Com­mer­ce Packa­ge Quan­ti­ty Con­trol, you can defi­ne packa­ge sizes, pre­vent incor­rect orders and impro­ve your cus­to­mers’ shop­ping expe­ri­ence. Per­fect for mer­chants who want to sell pro­ducts in pre­de­fi­ned quan­ti­ties.

Put an end to incorrect order quantities!

Your Woo­Com­mer­ce store is not made for indi­vi­du­al orders? With this plug­in, you can set clear order quan­ti­ties! No more sur­pri­ses — just the quan­ti­ties you spe­ci­fy. Glo­bal or pro­­duct-spe­ci­­fic — the choice is yours.

Paketmengen definieren

More sales through optimized order quantities

With Woo­Com­mer­ce Packa­ge Quan­ti­ty Con­trol, you can avo­id incor­rect orders and make it easier for your cus­to­mers to make a purcha­se decis­i­on. Struc­tu­red order pro­ces­sing leads to hig­her shop­ping cart values and fewer queries.

Discover all the features

The plug­in can help you to increase your sales figu­res, opti­mi­ze the orde­ring pro­cess and at the same time redu­ce the workload for sales and warehouse manage­ment:

Simp­le quan­ti­ty con­trol

Defi­ne fixed packa­ge sizes for your pro­ducts and pre­vent incor­rect orders.

More con­trol in the shop­ping cart

Cus­to­mers can only sel­ect per­mit­ted quan­ti­ties — no more incor­rect order quan­ti­ties!

Fle­xi­ble for all pro­ducts

Use glo­bal set­tings or defi­ne indi­vi­du­al quan­ti­ties for each pro­duct.

Impro­ved con­ver­si­on rate

Opti­mi­ze the check­out pro­cess by only allo­wing sen­si­ble order opti­ons.

Com­pa­ti­ble with warehouse manage­ment

Quan­ti­ties are redu­ced depen­ding on the par­cel quan­ti­ty.

Woo­Com­mer­ce com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty

Deve­lo­ped accor­ding to the latest Woo­Com­mer­ce stan­dards — relia­ble and sta­ble.