
WooCommerce Accessories Plugin

With our Woo­Com­mer­ce pro­duct access­ories plug­in you can add optio­nal and requi­red access­ories to your pro­ducts. Increase your cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion and boost your sales with just a few clicks. Includes shop­ping cart & pri­ce update.

Woo­Com­mer­ce Access­ories Plug­in

From: 29,00  / year


A sub­scrip­ti­on entit­les you to one year of updates and sup­port from the date of purcha­se.

badge 30 tage geld zurueck garantie

30 days money back gua­ran­tee

Rascher Ser­vice, gute Bera­tung! Ger­ne immer wie­der zur Betreu­ung unse­rer Online­prä­sen­zen!
Elly S. Avatar
Elly S.
Pro­fes­sio­nel­le Bera­tung und krea­ti­ve Umset­zung! Forge12 hat mir opti­mal bei der Unter­stüt­zung mei­nes Online­shops unter die Arme gegrif­fen und ein bes­se­res Ergeb­nis als erwar­tet abge­lie­fert.
David R. Avatar
David R.
Wir haben bereits in meh­re­ren Pro­jek­ten mit Forge12 zusam­men­ge­ar­bei­tet. Mit Herrn Wag­ner hat­ten wir einen sehr kom­pe­ten­ten Ansprech­part­ner. Egal ob tech­ni­sche Ange­le­gen­hei­ten oder Typo3-spe­zi­fi­sche Ent­wick­lungs­mög­lich­kei­ten – immer kom­pe­tent und gut erreich­bar!
Marcel I. Avatar
Mar­cel I.
Wirk­lich tol­ler & schnel­ler Ser­vice und sehr kom­pe­ten­te Betreu­ung. Es war ein Glücks­griff, dass wir auf Forge12 gesto­ßen sind. Unein­ge­schränkt emp­feh­lens­wert. Vie­len Dank für die bis­he­ri­ge Zusam­men­ar­beit!
Christian G. Avatar
Chris­ti­an G.

Last update: 2022

Ver­si­on: 1.3.7

Increase your sales by offering the right accessories to go with your products

With the Woo­Com­mer­ce Access­ories plug­in you can offer your visi­tors matching access­ories on the pro­duct page and in the shop­ping cart.

Optio­nal access­ories
Show your visi­tors direct­ly the matching access­ories for the respec­ti­ve pro­ducts. Optio­nal access­ories are dif­fe­rent from neces­sa­ry access­ories. This does not neces­s­a­ri­ly have to be purcha­sed.

Neces­sa­ry access­ories
Offer the matching access­ories direct­ly to your pro­ducts. Neces­sa­ry access­ories must be purcha­sed tog­e­ther with the pro­duct. This will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be added to the shop­ping cart. When remo­ving, the com­ple­te pro­duct is remo­ved.

Access­ories for cate­go­ries
The plug-in allows you to defi­ne access­ories for cate­go­ries. All pro­ducts within this cate­go­ry are assi­gned the access­ories. This set­ting can be over­ridden by local access­ories.

Woo­Com­mer­ce Export/Import
Use the stan­dard Woo­Com­mer­ce export/import and con­ve­ni­ent­ly main­tain your access­ories in a CSV/Excel file.

Indi­vi­du­al texts
Crea­te indi­vi­du­al texts for titles and descrip­ti­ons on the respec­ti­ve pro­duct and shop­ping cart pages.

Auto­ma­tic pri­ce cal­cu­la­ti­on
The pri­ce for pro­ducts that have been assi­gned requi­red access­ories is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly deter­mi­ned and dis­play­ed on the pro­duct page and in the list view.

How does the
WooCommerce Accessories Plugin?

You are curr­ent­ly vie­w­ing a pla­ce­hol­der con­tent from You­Tube. To access the actu­al con­tent, click the but­ton below. Plea­se note that doing so will share data with third-par­­ty pro­vi­ders.

More Infor­ma­ti­on
Woocommerce Zubehör

Optional accessories

With our Forge12 Woo­Com­mer­ce Pro­duct Access­ories Pre­mi­um plug­in, you can now effec­tively offer your visi­tors access­ories for your pro­ducts. In par­ti­cu­lar, by recom­men­ding items that com­ple­ment the purcha­se of the main pro­duct. The­r­e­fo­re, com­mon optio­nal access­ories include head­pho­nes, HDMI cables, and smart­phone cases, for exam­p­le.

  • Store owners and retail­ers can easi­ly store access­ories indi­vi­du­al­ly for each pro­duct on the respec­ti­ve pro­duct page.
  • Increase your sales by sto­ring the right access­ories for each pro­duct.
  • Woo­Com­mer­ce pro­duct lis­tings and shop­ping cart show cus­to­mers ide­as for addi­tio­nal access­ories.
  • Sup­ports Woo­Com­mer­ce export/import

To get the most out of your cross-sel­­ling, make sure to choo­se the Woo­Com­mer­ce pro­duct access­ories to match the main pro­duct. For exam­p­le, items like Play­Sta­ti­on con­trol­lers should always be pai­red with appro­pria­te elec­tro­nic devices (PS4, PC).

Necessary accessories

In addi­ti­on to optio­nal access­ories, you can also spe­ci­fy requi­red access­ories for pro­ducts. This is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly added to the shop­ping cart and can only be remo­ved tog­e­ther with the assi­gned pro­duct. This will ensu­re that the cus­to­mer is not dis­ap­poin­ted at the end becau­se he is miss­ing access­ories.

Screens, came­ras and smart­phones in par­ti­cu­lar usual­ly don’t come with all the cables or char­gers nee­ded to ope­ra­te them. The­r­e­fo­re, ins­tead of recom­men­ding sepa­ra­te pro­duct descrip­ti­ons, you can now add the pro­ducts direct­ly to the shop­ping cart.

Notes and the affec­ted pro­ducts can be dis­play­ed direct­ly in front of the buy but­ton. In addi­ti­on, the list of all requi­red access­ories is also dis­play­ed sepa­ra­te­ly at the posi­ti­on you defi­ned on the pro­duct detail page and in the shop­ping cart.

  • Adding neces­sa­ry access­ories through the pro­duct its­elf or through Woo­Com­mer­ce import.

  • Access­ories can still be sold as indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts via your online store.

  • Requi­red access­ories are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly added to the shop­ping cart and can­not be remo­ved wit­hout the lin­ked pro­duct.

  • The pro­duct pri­ce can be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly adjus­ted to include requi­red access­ories if desi­red.

  • Access­ories are shown sepa­ra­te­ly in the shop­ping cart with a note of the lin­ked pro­duct.

  • Texts can be con­ve­ni­ent­ly indi­vi­dua­li­zed via the set­tings.

Requi­red access­ories are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly added to the shop­ping cart wit­hout the cus­to­mer having to take any action. Notes are dis­play­ed befo­re the “Add to cart” but­ton and in the shop­ping cart its­elf.

WooCommerce notwendiges Zubehör
WooCommerce Zubehör Integration

Easy integration with your WooCommerce store

You can easi­ly add access­ories for pro­ducts in Woo­Com­mer­ce. Sim­ply edit a pro­duct in the WP backend and jump to the Lin­ked Pro­ducts sec­tion.

When you open this sec­tion, you will see a new field for Access­ories and Requi­red Access­ories. Enter the pro­duct name or SKU the­re. The live search will query all your pro­ducts and then you can choo­se one of the sug­gested items.

To get the most out of your cross-sel­­ling, make sure to choo­se the Woo­Com­mer­ce pro­duct access­ories to match the main pro­duct. For exam­p­le, items like Play­Sta­ti­on con­trol­lers should always be pai­red with appro­pria­te elec­tro­nic devices (PS4, PC).

Completely customizable to your wishes

  • Texts and titles indi­vi­du­al­ly and easi­ly cus­to­mizable.

  • WPML sup­port

  • Move the optio­nal and requi­red access­ories to 4 pre­de­fi­ned posi­ti­ons and ther­eby adjust the order to your needs.

  • Con­ve­ni­ent­ly trans­la­te the texts with Loco Trans­la­te.

  • Get regu­lar updates direct­ly in Word­Press.

  • Texts and titles cus­to­mizable for requi­red and optio­nal access­ories.

  • Recal­cu­la­te the pri­ce and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly include requi­red pro­ducts.

WooCommerce Zubehör Einstellungen

30 days money back gua­ran­tee

We will glad­ly refund your money if you are not satis­fied with our plug-in.