Min/Max Quantity for WooCommerce

With “Min/Max Quan­ti­ty for Woo­Com­mer­ce”, store ope­ra­tors can defi­ne indi­vi­du­al mini­mum and maxi­mum order quan­ti­ties for pro­ducts. Pro­tect your stock and opti­mi­ze orde­ring pro­ces­ses with dyna­mic quan­ti­ty limits — direct­ly in Woo­Com­mer­ce!

19,00  / year

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Last update: 22.02.2025

Ver­si­on: 1.0.0

E-Commerce weltweit verfügbar

Optimal order quantities for WooCommerce — more control, better efficiency!

With Min/Max Quan­ti­ty for Woo­Com­mer­ce, you can fle­xi­bly con­trol the order quan­ti­ties of your pro­ducts. Pre­vent unwan­ted small orders or exces­si­ve quan­ti­ties with indi­vi­du­al or glo­bal mini­mum and maxi­mum values. The plug­in checks order quan­ti­ties as soon as they are added to the shop­ping cart and when chan­ges are made in the shop­ping cart to ensu­re smooth order pro­ces­sing.

Automatic quantity check in real time

The plug­in vali­da­tes order quan­ti­ties during the “Add to cart” pro­cess and when chan­ges are made to the cart — for smooth order pro­ces­sing.

Mindest-/Maximale-Bestellmenge konfigurieren

Quick & easy configuration

The quan­ti­ty limits can be easi­ly adjus­ted via the Woo­Com­mer­ce set­tings — wit­hout com­pli­ca­ted set­tings or pro­gramming know­ledge.

Customer-friendly information directly on the product page

Inform your cus­to­mers about the per­mit­ted mini­mum and maxi­mum quan­ti­ties with an auto­ma­ti­cal­ly gene­ra­ted mes­sa­ge direct­ly in the pro­duct area.


Discover all the features of the Min/Max Quantity plugin for WooCommerce

The Min/Max Quan­ti­ty plug­in opti­mi­zes the sales pro­cess and sup­ports your sales and warehouse team in the effi­ci­ent manage­ment of your pro­ducts.

Indi­vi­du­al min/max values

Set mini­mum and maxi­mum order quan­ti­ties for indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts.

Glo­bal rules

Defi­ne stan­dar­di­zed quan­ti­ty rest­ric­tions for all pro­ducts.

Dyna­mic vali­da­ti­on

Checks during the “Add to cart” pro­cess and in the cart its­elf whe­ther the quan­ti­ty rest­ric­tions are being adhe­red to.

Cus­to­mer infor­ma­ti­on

Dis­plays min/max requi­re­ments direct­ly on the pro­duct page.

Fle­xi­ble con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on

Simp­le con­trol via the Woo­Com­mer­ce set­tings.