
F12 profiler

Find plug­ins and scripts that nega­tively impact your web­site. With the F12 Pro­fi­ler plug­in you get a powerful tool for eva­lua­ting load times.

F12 pro­fi­ler

Free of char­ge

This plug­in will track the load time of each plug­in, java­script and CSS file to help you opti­mi­ze the per­for­mance of your Word­Press web­site. It will help you find out which plugin/resource is caus­ing your site slow­ness.

Schnel­le Rück­mel­dung und guter Sup­port. Wei­ter so!
Jannik L. Avatar
Jan­nik L.
Pro­fes­sio­nel­le Bera­tung und krea­ti­ve Umset­zung! Forge12 hat mir opti­mal bei der Unter­stüt­zung mei­nes Online­shops unter die Arme gegrif­fen und ein bes­se­res Ergeb­nis als erwar­tet abge­lie­fert.
David R. Avatar
David R.
1a Ser­vice und kun­den­ori­en­tier­te Arbeit. Kann man nur wei­ter­emp­feh­len =)
Dan. Avatar
Marc konn­te uns mit einem “Pro­blem” auf unse­rer home­page hel­fen, an dem wir sehr lan­ge selbst erfolg­los gear­bei­tet hat­ten — er wuss­te in sehr kur­zer Zeit, wie er das Pro­blem behe­ben kann. Dan­ke noch­mal dafür! Team enka
Skinmade G. Avatar
Skin­ma­de G.

These features are in the WordPress F12 Profiler plugin

Acti­va­te the pro­fi­ler for your Word­Press web­site and find the reasons for long loa­ding times.

Word­Press Per­for­mance Plug­in
Many Word­Press web­sites use a lar­ge num­ber of plug­ins. It is not easy to keep track of all the­se plug­ins, and most of the time they are the reason why the loa­ding times of the web­site suf­fer. With F12-Pro­­fi­­ler, you have a tool that helps you iden­ti­fy the­se bot­t­len­ecks and take important action.

Simp­le traf­fic light sys­tem
F12-Pro­­fi­­ler not only pro­vi­des the most important num­bers about loa­ding times, but also a traf­fic light sys­tem. Thanks to the color sche­me (red, oran­ge, green) you can see at a glan­ce which plug­ins cau­se par­ti­cu­lar­ly long loa­ding times.

Word­Press com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty
F12 Pro­fi­ler is desi­gned to work with any Word­Press the­me and plug­in. The­mes like Ava­da, Forge12, The7 and Jupi­ter as well as Page­Buil­der and various plug­ins were used for the tests.