
Double opt-in for Elementor forms

With our dou­ble opt-in plug­in for Ele­men­tor forms, you can easi­ly add a GDPR-com­pli­ant opt-in sys­tem to your cont­act forms. The data can be con­ve­ni­ent­ly expor­ted in the pro­cess. The sto­rage peri­od of the data can be indi­vi­du­al­ly adapt­ed to your requi­re­ments.

Dou­ble opt-in for Ele­men­tor forms

From: 49,00  / year


A sub­scrip­ti­on entit­les you to one year of updates and sup­port from the date of purcha­se.

badge 30 tage geld zurueck garantie

30 days money back gua­ran­tee

Schnel­ler Sup­port bzgl. Anfra­ge zu Plug­in, vie­len Dank!
Matthias A. Avatar
Mat­thi­as A.
Extrem schnel­ler, fle­xi­bler & pro­fes­sio­nel­ler Ser­vice. Ger­ne wie­der!
Lustige K. Avatar
Lus­ti­ge K.
Ein­fach wow! Forge12 hat ein­fach den bes­ten Kun­den­ser­vice. Sie haben mir schnell und unkom­pli­ziert gehol­fen. Der Bera­ter war die gan­ze Zeit super freund­lich und hat mei­ne Situa­ti­on sofort ver­stan­den. Ich habe mich sehr gut auf­ge­ho­ben gefühlt. Er konn­te das Pro­blem sofort lösen. Dafür bin ich gera­de so dank­bar. Man merkt sofort wie viel Exper­ti­se sie haben. Bei Word­Press Umzü­gen wer­de ich mich immer wie­der dort mel­den.
Dina B. Avatar
Dina B.
1a Ser­vice und kun­den­ori­en­tier­te Arbeit. Kann man nur wei­ter­emp­feh­len =)
Dani Avatar

Last update: 01.08.2024

Ver­si­on: 2.4.0

Automate the double opt-in process for Elementor forms

Acti­va­te the dou­ble opt-in for indi­vi­du­al forms, save all rele­vant data, export the data for lin­king to news­let­ters or CRM sys­tems, offer your cus­to­mers an auto­ma­ted opt-out pro­ce­du­re.

Ele­men­tor Form Opt-in Add a ful­ly func­tion­al dou­ble opt-in sys­tem to your forms with just a few clicks.

Export for opt-in and opt-out The dou­ble opt-in plug-in allows you to export all coll­ec­ted data in CSV for­mat. Eit­her indi­vi­du­al­ly or bund­led.

Crea­te users Crea­te forms for user regis­tra­ti­on.
After a suc­cessful opt-in, users are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly crea­ted and assi­gned to a pre­de­fi­ned role.

Auto­ma­ted opt-out mecha­nism The inte­gra­ted opt-out sys­tem allows your visi­tors to unsub­scri­be from all opt-ins inde­pendent­ly. Com­ple­te­ly auto­ma­ted and with no extra effort for you.

Cus­to­mi­zed tem­pla­tes Design the opt-in mail accor­ding to your wis­hes and adapt it to your com­pa­ny. Edit texts, colors and the struc­tu­re of your emails.

Inte­gra­ted design tem­pla­tes Sel­ect the appro­pria­te opt-in & opt-out mail from one of the three design tem­pla­tes. If requi­red, you can also design the­se accor­ding to your own wis­hes.

Expand your forms with a double opt-in system

Auto­ma­te the opt-in and opt-out pro­cess for your web­site.

Marc Wag­ner und sein Team sind freund­lich, abso­lut kom­pe­tent und zuver­läs­sig. Immer wie­der ger­ne, ich freue mich auf die nächs­ten Pro­jek­te!
Wir haben bereits in meh­re­ren Pro­jek­ten mit Forge12 zusam­men­ge­ar­bei­tet. Mit Herrn Wag­ner hat­ten wir einen sehr kom­pe­ten­ten Ansprech­part­ner. Egal ob tech­ni­sche Ange­le­gen­hei­ten oder Typo3-spe­­zi­­fi­­sche Ent­wick­lungs­mög­lich­kei­ten – immer kom­pe­tent und gut erreich­bar!
Marc konn­te uns mit einem “Pro­blem” auf unse­rer home­page hel­fen, an dem wir sehr lan­ge selbst erfolg­los gear­bei­tet hat­ten — er wuss­te in sehr kur­zer Zeit, wie er das Pro­blem behe­ben kann. Dan­ke noch­mal dafür! Team enka

Contact Form 7 Double-Opt-In extension for your forms

Thanks to the inte­gra­ti­on in the form plug­ins, you can easi­ly inte­gra­te a dou­ble opt-in sys­tem into any form. Sim­ply acti­va­te, insert texts and pla­ce­hol­ders and update. The sys­tem auto­ma­ti­cal­ly gene­ra­tes a uni­que link for the dou­ble opt-in pro­cess and thus enables reco­gni­ti­on. Each link can only be cal­led up once to ensu­re that mul­ti­ple exe­cu­ti­ons are not pos­si­ble.

  • Dou­ble opt-in for Ele­men­tor forms

  • Auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of a uni­que opt-in link

  • Auto­ma­tic sto­rage of all GDPR-rele­­vant infor­ma­ti­on

  • No pro­gramming know­ledge requi­red
  • Crea­te your own con­fir­ma­ti­on page
  • Design the dou­ble opt-in mail or use a tem­p­la­te
  • Export as CSV

  • Auto­ma­ted opt-out sys­tem

  • Auto­ma­ted crea­ti­on of user accounts after a suc­cessful opt-in.

double opt in übersicht

Design your double opt-in mail according to your wishes

You can easi­ly design the text and lay­out of your opt-in mail via the admin panel. Insert your HTML signa­tu­re, cus­to­mi­ze fonts, type­faces and colors and inte­gra­te Ele­men­tor’s pla­ce­hol­ders to per­so­na­li­ze the email.
The input mask gives you the free­dom to design your email accor­ding to your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons.

  • Crea­te the dou­ble opt-in mail direct­ly via the Ele­men­tor form

  • Design the con­fir­ma­ti­on pages as usu­al on your web­site.

  • Use the Ele­men­tor pla­ce­hol­ders in your emails as you wish.

  • Use rea­­dy-made tem­pla­tes or cus­to­mi­ze them.

Choose one of the existing templates and customize it to your needs

newsletter en
newsletter en 2
newsletter en 3

Double opt-in for Elementor forms

The opt-in for your forms can be acti­va­ted with just a few clicks.

Rascher Ser­vice, gute Bera­tung! Ger­ne immer wie­der zur Betreu­ung unse­rer Online­prä­sen­zen!
Ich bin wirk­lich glück­lich Nico­le und Marc gefun­den zu haben. Ich bin begeis­tert von der zuver­läs­si­gen und schnel­len Unter­stüt­zung beim Umzug mei­ner Home­page! Der gesam­te Pro­zess ver­lief rei­bungs­los, und selbst der Kun­den­stamm wur­de pro­blem­los über­nom­men. Ein wirk­lich emp­feh­lens­wer­ter Ser­vice – vie­len Dank!
Groß­ar­ti­ger Web­ent­wick­ler!!! Herr Wag­ner nimmt sich Zeit für sei­ne Kun­den, hält ein­zig­ar­ti­ge Pro­blem­lö­sun­gen bereit und berät vor­aus­schau­end, kom­pe­tent und mit viel Know-how. Oft­mals wur­den die Erwar­tun­gen über­trof­fen. Abso­lut emp­feh­lens­wert bei klei­nen und gro­ßen Pro­jek­ten! Vie­len Dank für die bis­he­ri­ge, erfolg­rei­che Zusam­men­ar­beit. In Vor­freu­de auf die nächs­ten Pro­jek­te mit Ihnen!

Logging of double opt-in requests

You can check who has suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted the dou­ble opt-in at any time. Thanks to the inte­gra­ted log­ging of time, date and IP address, you can always pro­ve who regis­tered and when. In addi­ti­on, you will recei­ve infor­ma­ti­on on all con­tent stored by the user.

  • Log­ging of the IP address during regis­tra­ti­on

  • Saving the regis­tra­ti­on date

  • Log­ging of the IP address during con­fir­ma­ti­on

  • Saving the con­fir­ma­ti­on date

  • Recor­ding the con­tent trans­mit­ted by the cus­to­mer

  • Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of the form that was used for the opt-in.

double opt in daten
double opt in aufräumen

Automated clean up

Thanks to an inte­gra­ted Word­Press cron­job, the data is updated dai­ly. In the pro­cess, all ent­ries are che­cked dai­ly. Data older than 7 days will be dele­ted if the user has not com­ple­ted the opt-in.

  • Deci­de for yours­elf how long opt-ins (con­firm­ed & uncon­firm­ed) should be stored in the sys­tem (days, months, years … the choice is yours).

  • The inte­gra­ted Word­Press cron­job auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dele­tes out­da­ted data to keep the data­ba­se clean at all times.

  • Word­Press com­pli­ant cron­job — no ser­ver chan­ges neces­sa­ry.

  • Dele­ti­on of uncon­firm­ed data after the peri­od of days, months or years defi­ned by you.

Detailed view

In the detail­ed view of the opt-in, you can con­ve­ni­ent­ly dis­play all infor­ma­ti­on. This allows you to pro­ve at any time when which visi­tor con­firm­ed the opt-in with which IP address. In addi­ti­on to the respec­ti­ve form fields, you can also dis­play or out­put the form used for the opt-in (in HTML for­mat) and the opt-in mail sent with it (in HTML for­mat). An export as CSV file is pos­si­ble for sin­gle DOI’s as well as for all DOI’s. You can also dele­te indi­vi­du­al DOIs manu­al­ly here if requi­red.

opt-in detail view

This is how the double opt-in works!

Get veri­fied leads in just 5 steps.


Visitor submits the form

Your visi­tor sim­ply fills out the Ele­men­tor form as usu­al on your web­site and sub­mits it.


Double opt-in mail is sent

The dou­ble opt-in e‑mail inclu­ding con­fir­ma­ti­on link is sent to the e‑mail address pro­vi­ded by the visi­tor.


Visitor confirms double opt-in

The visi­tor now has until the time peri­od you have sel­ec­ted to con­firm the dou­ble opt-in by cli­cking on the con­fir­ma­ti­on link in the e‑mail.


Elementor e‑mail is sent

After con­fir­ma­ti­on, the ori­gi­nal Ele­men­tor mail that you have defi­ned for the form is sent.


Create user

If acti­va­ted, the user is now crea­ted and a for­got­ten pass­word e‑mail is sent so that the visi­tor can set a pass­word them­sel­ves.


Export double opt-ins

Now you can easi­ly export and pro­cess all dou­ble opt-ins as a CSV file via the Word­Press backend.

Opt-out system

Give your visi­tors access to all opt-ins car­ri­ed out in your sys­tem. The short­codes pro­vi­ded for this pur­po­se can be con­ve­ni­ent­ly inser­ted any­whe­re on your page and adapt­ed to your lay­out via CSS. All data thus remains in your sys­tem and does not have to be pas­sed on to exter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­ders. Through the inte­gra­ted Word­Press Fil­ter and Word­Press Action, you can con­trol exter­nal sys­tems when opting out and com­ple­te­ly auto­ma­te your sys­tem. You also make it easier for your visi­tors to unsub­scri­be from exis­ting opt-ins and check which per­so­nal data has been saved.

Opt-out functions

  • Inte­gra­te opt-out form ever­y­whe­re via short­code

  • Cus­to­mizable lay­out, colors and tem­pla­tes

  • List view of all opt-ins with fur­ther details for visi­tors

  • Manu­al opt-out for your visi­tors

  • Set indi­vi­du­al opt-out e‑mail

Opt-out form

Your visi­tors can use the opt-out form to crea­te a log-in link to access the list view. The link is valid for 24 hours.

plugin doupleoptin optoutformular

Opt-out list view

In the list view, your visi­tors can view fur­ther details and also revo­ke their con­sent if they have alre­a­dy opted in.

plugin doupleoptin optoutlistenansicht

Do you need help with the double opt-in plugin?

Take a look at the Forge12 blog for hel­pful tips and tricks on how to use the plug­in.

Easi­ly add a dou­ble opt-in sys­tem to your Ele­men­tor forms.

DSGVO compliant with double opt-in

With the pre­mi­um plug­in Forge12 Dou­­b­le-Opt-in for Ele­men­tor you can easi­ly acti­va­te a dou­ble opt-in sys­tem for every cont­act form you have crea­ted with Ele­men­tor.

1 year updates included.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have ques­ti­ons about our dou­ble opt-in plug­in for Ele­men­tor?

30 days money back gua­ran­tee

We will glad­ly refund your money if you are not satis­fied with our plug-in.