Double opt-in for Elementor forms
With our douÂble opt-in plugÂin for EleÂmenÂtor forms, you can easiÂly add a GDPR-comÂpliÂant opt-in sysÂtem to your contÂact forms. The data can be conÂveÂniÂentÂly exporÂted in the proÂcess. The stoÂrage periÂod of the data can be indiÂviÂduÂalÂly adaptÂed to your requiÂreÂments.
Automate the double opt-in process for Elementor forms
ActiÂvaÂte the douÂble opt-in for indiÂviÂduÂal forms, save all releÂvant data, export the data for linÂking to newsÂletÂters or CRM sysÂtems, offer your cusÂtoÂmers an autoÂmaÂted opt-out proÂceÂduÂre.
EleÂmenÂtor Form Opt-in Add a fulÂly funcÂtionÂal douÂble opt-in sysÂtem to your forms with just a few clicks.
Export for opt-in and opt-out The douÂble opt-in plug-in allows you to export all collÂecÂted data in CSV forÂmat. EitÂher indiÂviÂduÂalÂly or bundÂled.
CreaÂte users CreaÂte forms for user regisÂtraÂtiÂon.
After a sucÂcessful opt-in, users are autoÂmaÂtiÂcalÂly creaÂted and assiÂgned to a preÂdeÂfiÂned role.
AutoÂmaÂted opt-out mechaÂnism The inteÂgraÂted opt-out sysÂtem allows your visiÂtors to unsubÂscriÂbe from all opt-ins indeÂpendentÂly. ComÂpleÂteÂly autoÂmaÂted and with no extra effort for you.
CusÂtoÂmiÂzed temÂplaÂtes Design the opt-in mail accorÂding to your wisÂhes and adapt it to your comÂpaÂny. Edit texts, colors and the strucÂtuÂre of your emails.
InteÂgraÂted design temÂplaÂtes SelÂect the approÂpriaÂte opt-in & opt-out mail from one of the three design temÂplaÂtes. If requiÂred, you can also design theÂse accorÂding to your own wisÂhes.
Contact Form 7 Double-Opt-In extension for your forms
Thanks to the inteÂgraÂtiÂon in the form plugÂins, you can easiÂly inteÂgraÂte a douÂble opt-in sysÂtem into any form. SimÂply actiÂvaÂte, insert texts and plaÂceÂholÂders and update. The sysÂtem autoÂmaÂtiÂcalÂly geneÂraÂtes a uniÂque link for the douÂble opt-in proÂcess and thus enables recoÂgniÂtiÂon. Each link can only be calÂled up once to ensuÂre that mulÂtiÂple exeÂcuÂtiÂons are not posÂsiÂble.
Design your double opt-in mail according to your wishes
You can easiÂly design the text and layÂout of your opt-in mail via the admin panel. Insert your HTML signaÂtuÂre, cusÂtoÂmiÂze fonts, typeÂfaces and colors and inteÂgraÂte Elementor’s plaÂceÂholÂders to perÂsoÂnaÂliÂze the email.
The input mask gives you the freeÂdom to design your email accorÂding to your speÂciÂfiÂcaÂtiÂons.
Choose one of the existing templates and customize it to your needs
Logging of double opt-in requests
You can check who has sucÂcessfulÂly comÂpleÂted the douÂble opt-in at any time. Thanks to the inteÂgraÂted logÂging of time, date and IP address, you can always proÂve who regisÂtered and when. In addiÂtiÂon, you will receiÂve inforÂmaÂtiÂon on all conÂtent stored by the user.
Automated clean up
Thanks to an inteÂgraÂted WordÂPress cronÂjob, the data is updated daiÂly. In the proÂcess, all entÂries are cheÂcked daiÂly. Data older than 7 days will be deleÂted if the user has not comÂpleÂted the opt-in.
Detailed view
In the detailÂed view of the opt-in, you can conÂveÂniÂentÂly disÂplay all inforÂmaÂtiÂon. This allows you to proÂve at any time when which visiÂtor conÂfirmÂed the opt-in with which IP address. In addiÂtiÂon to the respecÂtiÂve form fields, you can also disÂplay or outÂput the form used for the opt-in (in HTML forÂmat) and the opt-in mail sent with it (in HTML forÂmat). An export as CSV file is posÂsiÂble for sinÂgle DOI’s as well as for all DOI’s. You can also deleÂte indiÂviÂduÂal DOIs manuÂalÂly here if requiÂred.
This is how the double opt-in works!
Get veriÂfied leads in just 5 steps.
Visitor submits the form
Your visiÂtor simÂply fills out the EleÂmenÂtor form as usuÂal on your webÂsite and subÂmits it.
Double opt-in mail is sent
The douÂble opt-in e‑mail incluÂding conÂfirÂmaÂtiÂon link is sent to the e‑mail address proÂviÂded by the visiÂtor.
Visitor confirms double opt-in
The visiÂtor now has until the time periÂod you have selÂecÂted to conÂfirm the douÂble opt-in by cliÂcking on the conÂfirÂmaÂtiÂon link in the e‑mail.
Elementor e‑mail is sent
After conÂfirÂmaÂtiÂon, the oriÂgiÂnal EleÂmenÂtor mail that you have defiÂned for the form is sent.
Create user
If actiÂvaÂted, the user is now creaÂted and a forÂgotÂten passÂword e‑mail is sent so that the visiÂtor can set a passÂword themÂselÂves.
Export double opt-ins
Now you can easiÂly export and proÂcess all douÂble opt-ins as a CSV file via the WordÂPress backend.
Opt-out system
Give your visiÂtors access to all opt-ins carÂriÂed out in your sysÂtem. The shortÂcodes proÂviÂded for this purÂpoÂse can be conÂveÂniÂentÂly inserÂted anyÂwheÂre on your page and adaptÂed to your layÂout via CSS. All data thus remains in your sysÂtem and does not have to be pasÂsed on to exterÂnal serÂvice proÂviÂders. Through the inteÂgraÂted WordÂPress FilÂter and WordÂPress Action, you can conÂtrol exterÂnal sysÂtems when opting out and comÂpleÂteÂly autoÂmaÂte your sysÂtem. You also make it easier for your visiÂtors to unsubÂscriÂbe from exisÂting opt-ins and check which perÂsoÂnal data has been saved.
Opt-out functions
Opt-out form
Your visiÂtors can use the opt-out form to creaÂte a log-in link to access the list view. The link is valid for 24 hours.
Opt-out list view
In the list view, your visiÂtors can view furÂther details and also revoÂke their conÂsent if they have alreÂaÂdy opted in.
Do you need help with the double opt-in plugin?
Take a look at the Forge12 blog for helÂpful tips and tricks on how to use the plugÂin.
How to use the douÂble opt-in for ContÂact Form 7 (v2.11)
Frequently asked questions
Do you have quesÂtiÂons about our douÂble opt-in plugÂin for EleÂmenÂtor?