
Software development

We develop innovative software solutions that your company needs to grow.

Flatrate: Development


per month

For recurring development tasks

  • Unlimited orders

  • Simultaneous orders: 1

  • C# / Net development

  • PHP development

  • Web frontend (Angular, Vue.js, React…)

  • Cloud & serverless (Docker, Kubernetes)

  • Mobile apps (KMP, .NET, MAUI, Xamarin, iOS)

Sehr kompetenter Service! Einfache und schnelle Abwicklung des Projekts. Preis/Leistung steht hier absolut im Verhältnis. Herr Wagner nimmt sicht Zeit um alle Fragen ausführlich zu beantworten. Das nächste Projekt wartet...
J.P. Avatar
Top! Super Kommunikation, schnelle Bearbeitung, faire Preise!
Jessica S. Avatar
Jessica S.
Super kompetent, immer hilfsbereit und sehr freundlich. Danke Marc 😊
Schnell, kompetent und fair!
Olaf E. Avatar
Olaf E.

AI solutions

Revolutionize your business processes with our tailor-made AI solutions. Increase your service levels with ChatGPT, use our rule-based automation solutions and benefit from more efficient software development and future-proof AI training.

ki loesungen

Software development

We develop customized software, whether for new developments, modernizations or enhancements. As a technology-independent service provider, we implement web and desktop applications, mobile apps, cloud solutions, 3D software and ERP systems.


Technological expertise

As a technology-independent service provider for individual software development, we have extensive project experience in various programming languages and frameworks. Our broad technology portfolio is at your disposal.


C# / Net

ASP.NET, MVC, .NET Core, UWP, WPF, WinForms



Symfony, Laravel, Laminas, CodeIgnite, CakePHP


Web front end

Angular, Vue.js, React, Next.js, Express.js


Cloud & Serverless

Docker, Kubernetes, Azure Service Fabric


Mobile apps

Android, iOS, KMP, .NET, MAUI, Xamarin



WordPress, Typo3, Joomla, Drupal, Shopify



SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, PostGreSQL



Shopware, Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce

Our services in the field of AI

Integration of ChatGPT

Learn how ChatGPT can make your workflows more efficient by automating routine tasks and improving customer interactions. The intelligent use of ChatGPT not only saves you time, but also increases the quality of your service offerings.

Chatbots & individual LLMs

Integrate customers digitally and interactively into your business processes to create personalized experiences and increase customer satisfaction. Optimize your internal processes with our AI solutions and respond faster to customer inquiries.

AI automation & ML

Use customized AI solutions tailored to your proprietary data to offer unique value-added services. Rely on NLU and machine learning to gain deeper insights into your data and make informed decisions.

AI-supported software development

Find out how AI can accelerate your software development and increase quality. Use AI to plan projects more precisely and make optimal use of resources, resulting in cost savings and faster time to market.

Would you like to work with us?

Let’s discuss everything in peace and quiet during a free introductory meeting. Book your desired date directly here.

10,000 completed orders

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Frequently asked questions

Questions? Probably, which is why we have listed the
frequently asked questions and answers.

Currently yes, our offer is aimed exclusively at business customers with a valid VAT identification number and a registered office within the European Union.

Of course. Simply call our customer service at
+49 (0) 771 175 142 72 or write to us by e-mail at [email protected]

In our subscription there is no limit to the number of tasks submitted and no limit to the number of revisions requested. No matter how many assignments you submit or how many revisions you request, there are no additional costs. Please note, however, that each revision is treated as a new task and can therefore affect the processing time of other tasks in your queue. Remember that we are humans, not robots – your personal contact will work with the team to process the tasks in your queue step by step, one by one. As soon as the top task in your queue is completed, we move on to the next one.

A revision is the revision of a task that has already been completed. On average, you will receive the results of most tasks within 1-3 working days, depending on the rate. The processing time varies and essentially depends on three factors: How long have you been working with your personal contact? How clearly and precisely is the task defined? How quickly do you respond to queries? If you have any change requests after completing a task, this will be treated as a revision.

A senior designer/developer costs min. 70,000 a year, compared to which you only pay a fraction of that with Unlimited Design. You can also pause or cancel at any time at the end of the month.
On the one hand, you can carry out as many correction phases as you like and we will always do our best to make you happy. If we don’t succeed, you can cancel at any time at the end of the month.
Yes, all packages can be paused at the end of each month.

You need the Unlimited Design & Development package for programming and design.

If you already have a design and only need the programming of the design in WordPress, you can use the Unlimited development package.

You will receive an invitation to our helpdesk. This is completely simple and transparent for you to use. You simply create projects as tasks like a to-do list and can then store all the necessary information and documents.
Just give us as much information as possible. If we need further information, we will clarify everything else immediately via our helpdesk.

This depends on the scope of the project. We always deliver as quickly as possible. 24-72 hours is our goal. If a project cannot be realized within this time, we will present you with intermediate steps.

In this case, you would have to book an additional flat rate. Just get in touch with us.

You brief us on your project, we process it and you receive the result. You can make changes, we will edit it again … as long and as often as you are happy.

We have a team of designers and developers who each specialize in specific fields and work on them efficiently. However, we are predominantly generalists, and many areas in design and web development regularly overlap with other disciplines. Over the years, we have developed and optimized an extensive library of different frameworks and approaches to address the most pressing challenges brands often face. This provides us with a solid basis for adapting to your industry, your customers and your specific requirements and making targeted progress.

As soon as you have decided on a tariff and subscribed to it, you will receive access to our portal and contact to your personal contact person within 24 hours.

We take each of your tasks very seriously. Our artificial intelligence analyzes the effort involved in each task in the background, with your dedicated contact person supporting the software with their personal assessment. As soon as a task is clearly described and all the information is available, we can start immediately. However, if a task is too extensive to meet the average processing time, we will divide it into smaller subtasks. Your permanent contact person will then get in touch with you to discuss the details. In this way, the sub-steps of larger tasks can be processed in a targeted manner and in line with your goals.

When you create your project, you receive access to our source code management system, which is based on Git. Here you can provide the required source code and download our changes. We offer various options for permanently synchronizing project statuses.

Everything we develop for you can be reused, modified or transferred to others as you wish. Everything we do on your behalf belongs to you. This means that we also provide you with the source code, open Word files and our sketches. Please note, however, that the IT and design world cannot do without licenses. We will inform you transparently about the libraries used and what you need to bear in mind when using them. All information is provided on the premise that we cannot provide legal advice. In addition, we cannot provide you with ownership of open source projects, specific software licenses or access to platforms as part of our service. Your personal contact person will provide you with advice and assistance.