
Software development

We deve­lop inno­va­ti­ve soft­ware solu­ti­ons that your com­pa­ny needs to grow.

Flatrate: Development


per month

For recur­ring deve­lo­p­ment tasks

  • Unli­mi­t­ed orders

  • Simul­ta­neous orders: 1

  • C# / Net deve­lo­p­ment

  • PHP deve­lo­p­ment

  • Web front­end (Angu­lar, Vue.js, React…)

  • Cloud & ser­ver­less (Docker, Kuber­netes)

  • Mobi­le apps (KMP, .NET, MAUI, Xama­rin, iOS)

Marc Wag­ner und sein Team sind freund­lich, abso­lut kom­pe­tent und zuver­läs­sig. Immer wie­der ger­ne, ich freue mich auf die nächs­ten Pro­jek­te!
Juliana P. Avatar
Julia­na P.
Bei mei­nem ers­ten Tele­fo­nat mit Marc Wag­ner und Nico­le Friedl war mir schon nach weni­gen Minu­ten klar: “Die ver­ste­hen mein Anlie­gen und wis­sen genau, was ich brau­che”. (Ein­rich­tung einer Abo-Ver­wal­tung für mei­nen News­let­ter im Woo Com­mer­ce Shop auf mei­ner Web­site inkl. Zah­lungs­ab­wick­lung und Anbin­dung an die News­let­ter-Appli­ka­ti­on). Die tech­ni­sche Umset­zung ver­lief rei­bungs­los und ich wur­de abschlie­ßend geschult. Die umsich­ti­ge, kom­pe­ten­te und freund­li­che Bera­tung durch Nico­le Friedl run­det das Bild für mich ab. Forge12 ist ein tol­ler Dienst­leis­ter! Chris­toph Gabrisch — Bahn­Ver­stand GmbH
Christoph G. Avatar
Chris­toph G.
Super kom­pe­tent, immer hilfs­be­reit und sehr freund­lich. Dan­ke Marc 😊
Herr Wag­ner bie­tet wirk­lich einen her­vor­ra­gen­den Sup­port zu sei­nen Pro­duk­ten. Die schnel­le Reak­ti­ons­zeit und die promp­te Lösungs­be­reit­stel­lung waren sehr gut. Vie­len Dank für die pro­fes­sio­nel­le Betreu­ung.
Andreas S. Avatar
Andre­as S.

AI solu­ti­ons

Revo­lu­tio­ni­ze your busi­ness pro­ces­ses with our tail­or-made AI solu­ti­ons. Increase your ser­vice levels with ChatGPT, use our rule-based auto­ma­ti­on solu­ti­ons and bene­fit from more effi­ci­ent soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment and future-pro­of AI trai­ning.

ki loesungen

Soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment

We deve­lop cus­to­mi­zed soft­ware, whe­ther for new deve­lo­p­ments, moder­niza­ti­ons or enhance­ments. As a tech­no­lo­gy-inde­pen­dent ser­vice pro­vi­der, we imple­ment web and desk­top appli­ca­ti­ons, mobi­le apps, cloud solu­ti­ons, 3D soft­ware and ERP sys­tems.


Technological expertise

As a tech­no­lo­gy-inde­pen­dent ser­vice pro­vi­der for indi­vi­du­al soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment, we have exten­si­ve pro­ject expe­ri­ence in various pro­gramming lan­guages and frame­works. Our broad tech­no­lo­gy port­fo­lio is at your dis­po­sal.


C# / Net

ASP.NET, MVC, .NET Core, UWP, WPF, Win­Forms



Sym­fo­ny, Lara­vel, Lami­nas, Cod­e­Ig­ni­te, Cake­PHP


Web front end

Angu­lar, Vue.js, React, Next.js, Express.js


Cloud & Ser­ver­less

Docker, Kuber­netes, Azu­re Ser­vice Fabric


Mobi­le apps

Android, iOS, KMP, .NET, MAUI, Xama­rin



Word­Press, Typo3, Joom­la, Drup­al, Shop­i­fy



SQL Ser­ver, MyS­QL, MariaDB, Post­GreS­QL



Shop­ware, Magen­to, Shop­i­fy, Woo­Com­mer­ce

Our services in the field of AI

Inte­gra­ti­on of ChatGPT

Learn how ChatGPT can make your work­flows more effi­ci­ent by auto­ma­ting rou­ti­ne tasks and impro­ving cus­to­mer inter­ac­tions. The intel­li­gent use of ChatGPT not only saves you time, but also increa­ses the qua­li­ty of your ser­vice offe­rings.

Chat­bots & indi­vi­du­al LLMs

Inte­gra­te cus­to­mers digi­tal­ly and inter­ac­tively into your busi­ness pro­ces­ses to crea­te per­so­na­li­zed expe­ri­en­ces and increase cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion. Opti­mi­ze your inter­nal pro­ces­ses with our AI solu­ti­ons and respond fas­ter to cus­to­mer inqui­ries.

AI auto­ma­ti­on & ML

Use cus­to­mi­zed AI solu­ti­ons tail­o­red to your pro­prie­ta­ry data to offer uni­que value-added ser­vices. Rely on NLU and machi­ne lear­ning to gain deeper insights into your data and make infor­med decis­i­ons.

AI-sup­port­ed soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment

Find out how AI can acce­le­ra­te your soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment and increase qua­li­ty. Use AI to plan pro­jects more pre­cis­e­ly and make opti­mal use of resour­ces, resul­ting in cost savings and fas­ter time to mar­ket.

Would you like to work with us?

Let’s dis­cuss ever­y­thing in peace and quiet during a free intro­duc­to­ry mee­ting. Book your desi­red date direct­ly here.

10,000 com­ple­ted orders

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Frequently asked questions

Ques­ti­ons? Pro­ba­b­ly, which is why we have lis­ted the
fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons and ans­wers.

Curr­ent­ly yes, our offer is aimed exclu­si­ve­ly at busi­ness cus­to­mers with a valid VAT iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on num­ber and a regis­tered office within the Euro­pean Uni­on.

Of cour­se. Sim­ply call our cus­to­mer ser­vice at
+49 (0) 771 175 142 72 or wri­te to us by e‑mail at [email protected]

In our sub­scrip­ti­on the­re is no limit to the num­ber of tasks sub­mit­ted and no limit to the num­ber of revi­si­ons reques­ted. No mat­ter how many assign­ments you sub­mit or how many revi­si­ons you request, the­re are no addi­tio­nal cos­ts. Plea­se note, howe­ver, that each revi­si­on is trea­ted as a new task and can the­r­e­fo­re affect the pro­ces­sing time of other tasks in your queue. Remem­ber that we are humans, not robots — your per­so­nal cont­act will work with the team to pro­cess the tasks in your queue step by step, one by one. As soon as the top task in your queue is com­ple­ted, we move on to the next one.

A revi­si­on is the revi­si­on of a task that has alre­a­dy been com­ple­ted. On avera­ge, you will recei­ve the results of most tasks within 1–3 working days, depen­ding on the rate. The pro­ces­sing time varies and essen­ti­al­ly depends on three fac­tors: How long have you been working with your per­so­nal cont­act? How cle­ar­ly and pre­cis­e­ly is the task defi­ned? How quick­ly do you respond to queries? If you have any chan­ge requests after com­ple­ting a task, this will be trea­ted as a revi­si­on.

A seni­or designer/developer cos­ts min. 70,000 a year, com­pared to which you only pay a frac­tion of that with Unli­mi­t­ed Design. You can also pau­se or can­cel at any time at the end of the month.
On the one hand, you can car­ry out as many cor­rec­tion pha­ses as you like and we will always do our best to make you hap­py. If we don’t suc­ceed, you can can­cel at any time at the end of the month.
Yes, all packa­ges can be pau­sed at the end of each month.

You need the Unli­mi­t­ed Design & Deve­lo­p­ment packa­ge for pro­gramming and design.

If you alre­a­dy have a design and only need the pro­gramming of the design in Word­Press, you can use the Unli­mi­t­ed deve­lo­p­ment packa­ge.

You will recei­ve an invi­ta­ti­on to our help­desk. This is com­ple­te­ly simp­le and trans­pa­rent for you to use. You sim­ply crea­te pro­jects as tasks like a to-do list and can then store all the neces­sa­ry infor­ma­ti­on and docu­ments.
Just give us as much infor­ma­ti­on as pos­si­ble. If we need fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, we will cla­ri­fy ever­y­thing else imme­dia­te­ly via our help­desk.

This depends on the scope of the pro­ject. We always deli­ver as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. 24–72 hours is our goal. If a pro­ject can­not be rea­li­zed within this time, we will pre­sent you with inter­me­dia­te steps.

In this case, you would have to book an addi­tio­nal flat rate. Just get in touch with us.

You brief us on your pro­ject, we pro­cess it and you recei­ve the result. You can make chan­ges, we will edit it again … as long and as often as you are hap­py.

We have a team of desi­gners and deve­lo­pers who each spe­cia­li­ze in spe­ci­fic fields and work on them effi­ci­ent­ly. Howe­ver, we are pre­do­mi­nant­ly gene­ra­lists, and many are­as in design and web deve­lo­p­ment regu­lar­ly over­lap with other disci­pli­nes. Over the years, we have deve­lo­ped and opti­mi­zed an exten­si­ve libra­ry of dif­fe­rent frame­works and approa­ches to address the most pres­sing chal­lenges brands often face. This pro­vi­des us with a solid basis for adap­ting to your indus­try, your cus­to­mers and your spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments and making tar­ge­ted pro­gress.

As soon as you have deci­ded on a tariff and sub­scri­bed to it, you will recei­ve access to our por­tal and cont­act to your per­so­nal cont­act per­son within 24 hours.

We take each of your tasks very serious­ly. Our arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence ana­ly­zes the effort invol­ved in each task in the back­ground, with your dedi­ca­ted cont­act per­son sup­port­ing the soft­ware with their per­so­nal assess­ment. As soon as a task is cle­ar­ly descri­bed and all the infor­ma­ti­on is available, we can start imme­dia­te­ly. Howe­ver, if a task is too exten­si­ve to meet the avera­ge pro­ces­sing time, we will divi­de it into smal­ler sub­tasks. Your per­ma­nent cont­act per­son will then get in touch with you to dis­cuss the details. In this way, the sub-steps of lar­ger tasks can be pro­ces­sed in a tar­ge­ted man­ner and in line with your goals.

When you crea­te your pro­ject, you recei­ve access to our source code manage­ment sys­tem, which is based on Git. Here you can pro­vi­de the requi­red source code and down­load our chan­ges. We offer various opti­ons for per­ma­nent­ly syn­chro­ni­zing pro­ject sta­tu­s­es.

Ever­y­thing we deve­lop for you can be reu­sed, modi­fied or trans­fer­red to others as you wish. Ever­y­thing we do on your behalf belongs to you. This means that we also pro­vi­de you with the source code, open Word files and our sket­ches. Plea­se note, howe­ver, that the IT and design world can­not do wit­hout licen­ses. We will inform you trans­par­ent­ly about the libra­ri­es used and what you need to bear in mind when using them. All infor­ma­ti­on is pro­vi­ded on the pre­mi­se that we can­not pro­vi­de legal advice. In addi­ti­on, we can­not pro­vi­de you with owner­ship of open source pro­jects, spe­ci­fic soft­ware licen­ses or access to plat­forms as part of our ser­vice. Your per­so­nal cont­act per­son will pro­vi­de you with advice and assis­tance.