design 1


Over 100+ design ser­vices hand­led by our desi­gners on site, at a fixed month­ly pri­ce.

Flatrate: Design


per month

For recur­ring design tasks

  • Unli­mi­t­ed orders

  • Simul­ta­neous orders: 1

  • Over 100+ design ser­vices included

  • Unli­mi­t­ed revi­si­ons

  • Per­so­nal cont­act per­son

Extrem schnel­ler, fle­xi­bler & pro­fes­sio­nel­ler Ser­vice. Ger­ne wie­der!
Lustige K. Avatar
Lus­ti­ge K.
Sehr pro­fes­sio­nel­le und zuver­läs­si­ge Umset­zung. Kann ich abso­lut emp­feh­len!
Marcus W. Avatar
Mar­cus W.
1a Ser­vice und kun­den­ori­en­tier­te Arbeit. Kann man nur wei­ter­emp­feh­len =)
Dani Avatar
Uner­war­tet schnel­le und kom­pe­ten­te Hil­fe in einer Kon­fe­renz­schal­tung, nach­dem ich bereits vie­le gut­ge­mein­te Tipps erhal­ten hat­te, die mich nicht wei­ter­ge­bracht hät­ten. Idea­ler Koope­ra­ti­ons­part­ner!
Rita C. Avatar
Rita C.

Discover a selection of our projectsProject examples

Dis­co­ver a sel­ec­tion of our modern designs rea­li­zed with powerful code. Per­for­mant and beau­tiful at the same time.

Office equip­ment

Dis­co­ver the art of the per­fect first impres­si­on with our uni­que busi­ness sta­tio­nery! From busi­ness cards and note­pads to reports and enve­lo­pes — our print design takes your brand to the next level.

Bullseye Burger Geschäftsausstattung

Busi­ness cards

Dis­co­ver the art of the per­fect first impres­si­on with our uni­que busi­ness cards! Our cus­to­mi­zed busi­ness cards take your brand to the next level and make you shi­ne at every mee­ting.

Der Orator Visitenkarte v2

AD Crea­ti­ves

Logo Design



Social Media

UI/UX Design


Brand Manu­al



Exhi­bi­ti­on stand

Busi­ness cards

& many more …

All services, marketing & advertising, brand design, print design, UI/UX design, packaging design and motion design

Print design

Print design sounds simp­le, but it’s not. In addi­ti­on to the various dis­play for­mats, color spec­trums and print sets, the crea­ti­ve work must of cour­se also be done. Tha­t’s why we exist, we are your adver­ti­sing agen­cy when it comes to desig­ning your logo and busi­ness sta­tio­nery or pro­vi­ding you with bro­chu­res and cata­logs. We crea­te your sto­ry for your com­pa­ny and ensu­re that it is a suc­cess. Let us help you wri­te histo­ry tog­e­ther.

Tog­e­ther we wri­te histo­ry.

UI/UX design as a conversion boost

Dis­co­ver the art of per­fect user expe­ri­ence with our uni­que UI/UX design! Our cus­to­mi­zed designs take your digi­tal pre­sence to a new level and increase your con­ver­si­ons like never befo­re.

A uni­form look

Print design for your omnipresence

Dis­co­ver the art of per­fect brand pre­sence with our uni­que print design! Our cus­to­mi­zed print pro­ducts take your brand to a new level and ensu­re your omni­pre­sence in every situa­ti­on.

Maximum design power for your company

With our Ulti­ma­te flat rate at a fixed month­ly pri­ce, you com­bi­ne maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty with plan­ning secu­ri­ty.


Unli­mi­t­ed orders

The Ulti­ma­te Flat­rate for Design gives you end­less design pos­si­bi­li­ties and fle­xi­bi­li­ty


Over 100+ ser­vices

With its exper­ti­se, Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve offers a wide ran­ge of design solu­ti­ons for every pro­ject.


Simp­le com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on

Direct and uncom­pli­ca­ted com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on via our por­tal.


Exper­ti­se of a team

Take advan­ta­ge of the com­bi­ned exper­ti­se of our design team.


Fixed bud­get

The Ulti­ma­te Flat­rate for Design is trans­pa­rent and wit­hout hid­den cos­ts.


Fast deli­very

We gua­ran­tee prompt and punc­tu­al deli­very of your pro­jects.

Would you like to work with us?

Let’s dis­cuss ever­y­thing in peace and quiet during a free intro­duc­to­ry mee­ting. Book your desi­red date direct­ly here.

10,000 com­ple­ted orders

logo referenz elly seidl
logo referenz gene akademie
logo referenz yat
logo normung 210x150 2
logo referenz billwerkplus
logo referenz eis engelchen 1