Feel free to drop by for a cof­fee :)

We look forward to getting to know you.

CUSTOMER SERVICE is very important to us, which is why we wel­co­me every inquiry. Except for spam, which we don’t like at all.




Customer service

Sim­ply call us on 0 771 175 14272 or wri­te to us at [email protected]. You are also wel­co­me to use the form here to cont­act us direct­ly.

We are available by tele­pho­ne from 07:00 to 12:00 — our con­tract cus­to­mers can also reach us out­side of tele­pho­ne hours via our ser­vice num­ber.

New cus­to­mers and other inte­res­ted par­ties are wel­co­me to make initi­al cont­act with us via our appoint­ment tool!

Contact form

[cont­act-for­m‑7 id=“1476” /]