WordPress hooks sequence
Marc Wagner
September 24, 2020
The WordPress hooks are processed in the following series. More information is available directly in the WordPress Codex.
muplugins_loaded |
registered_taxonomy |
registered_post_type |
plugins_loaded |
sanitize_comment_cookies |
setup_theme |
load_textdomain |
after_setup_theme |
auth_cookie_malformed |
auth_cookie_valid |
set_current_user |
init |
widgets_init |
register_sidebar |
wp_register_sidebar_widget |
wp_default_scripts |
wp_default_styles |
admin_bar_init |
wp_loaded |
parse_request |
send_headers |
parse_query |
pre_get_posts |
posts_selection |
wp |
template_redirect |
get_header |
wp_enqueue_scripts |
wp_head |
wp_print_styles |
wp_print_scripts |
get_search_form |
loop_start |
the_post |
get_template_part_content |
loop_end |
get_sidebar |
dynamic_sidebar |
get_search_form |
loop_start |
the_post |
get_template_part_content |
loop_end |
get_sidebar |
dynamic_sidebar |
get_search_form |
pre_get_comments |
wp_meta |
get_footer |
get_sidebar |
wp_footer |
wp_print_footer_scripts |
admin_bar_menu |
wp_before_admin_bar_render |
wp_after_admin_bar_render |
shutdown |
First hook that can be used in the theme? #
The first hook that can be used from the theme is
All hooks before that can only be called via mu_plugins or plugins.

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Marc Wagner
Hi Marc here. I’m the founder of Forge12 Interactive and have been passionate about building websites, online stores, applications and SaaS solutions for businesses for over 20 years. Before founding the company, I already worked in publicly listed companies and acquired all kinds of knowledge. Now I want to pass this knowledge on to my customers.