How to embed Google Forms on WordPress

Marc Wag­ner

July 2, 2021

4 min read|

In our tuto­ri­al, we will show you how to inte­gra­te Goog­le Forms on your Word­Press web­site with just three simp­le steps.

Step 1: Create your Google Form #

First, sign in to your Goog­le account. Once you are signed in, you can access Goog­le Forms. To do so, click on the pur­ple icon in the Goog­le Apps menu:

Find Goog­le Forms in the Apps menu

Now open the Goog­le Forms inter­face.

You now have the opti­on to start with a blank page, or use one of Goo­g­le’s tem­pla­tes.

image 1
Goog­le Forms Tem­pla­tes Sel­ec­tion

Now crea­te your form. Via the tool­bar on the right side, you have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to add new ques­ti­ons and ele­ments. You can cus­to­mi­ze the design or the appearance of the Goog­le Forms via the color palet­te icon.

image 2
Gool­ge Forms Cont­act Details Tem­p­la­te

As with all Goog­le Apps (Goog­le Docs, Gool­ge Sheets) you can invi­te your team­ma­tes to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the crea­ti­on of your Goog­le Form. You can find the opti­on for this by cli­cking on the 3 dots next to your pro­fi­le pic­tu­re.

image 3
Add Goog­le Forms employee

With the­se tools, you should be able to crea­te your form to your liking. Once you are done with the editing, you can embed the form on your Word­Press web­site.

Step 2: Get your Google Form embed code. #

To get to the embed code of your Goog­le Form, you need to click on the pur­ple Sub­mit but­ton. The­re you have five opti­ons to share your form.

  • Share by email
  • Share via link
  • Share via HTML
  • Share via Twit­ter
  • Share via Face­book
image 4
Share Goog­le Form — five ways

To embed the form on your Word­Press web­site, we need the HTML opti­on. To do this, sel­ect the regis­tra­ti­on card <>. Under Embed HTML, you will find the requi­red HTML code. In addi­ti­on, you can spe­ci­fy the width and height of the form.

Now adjust the size to your wis­hes, and then click on the copy but­ton in the lower right cor­ner of the win­dow.

google forms wordpress einbetten
Goog­le Form — Copy embed code

After that, switch to the dash­board of your Word­Press web­site.

Step 3: Paste the code onto your WordPress website. #

Now we can add the form to your Word­Press web­site using the embed code. To do this, open the post or page whe­re you want to embed the form. If you are working with the Guten­berg edi­tor, you should add a cus­tom HTML block:

image 5
Word­Press — Cus­tom HTML Block

Then pas­te the embed code you got in step 2.

image 6
Embed Goog­le Forms embed code on Word­Press using the block edi­tor.

Using the Pre­view tab in the Cus­tom HTML Block tool­bar, you can view your Goog­le Form as it will appear on the web page.

image 7
Pre­view the embed code in the block edi­tor for the Goog­le Form.

Save your page or post. The form is now embedded on your web­site.

If you use the clas­sic edi­tor ins­tead, you must first switch to the text view.

wordpress classic editor
Clas­sic edi­tor — text view.

Then you can pas­te your embed code from Goog­le Forms whe­re you want the form to appear.

image 8
Embed Goog­le Forms in Word­Press Clas­sic Edi­tor

Once you switch back to the visu­al edi­tor, you should see your form.

image 9
Pre­view of the Goog­le Form in the visu­al edi­tor

You can also pre­view your page to see how it will look live later.

Tha­t’s it. Tha­t’s all you nee­ded to do to embed your Goog­le Form in your Word­Press site or post.

Summary #

Forms help you to coll­ect data and feed­back from your visi­tors. Even sur­veys can be easi­ly imple­men­ted with Goog­le Forms and inte­gra­ted into your Word­Press web­site.

With only three simp­le steps, you can embed Goog­le Forms on your Word­Press web­site:

  1. Crea­te a Goog­le Form
  2. Copy the embed code of your Goog­le Form
  3. Add the embed code to your Word­Press page.

Do you have ques­ti­ons about inclu­ding a Goog­le Form on your Word­Press web­site? Let us know in the comm­ents sec­tion.

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Arti­kel von:

Marc Wag­ner

Hi Marc here. I’m the foun­der of Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve and have been pas­sio­na­te about buil­ding web­sites, online stores, appli­ca­ti­ons and SaaS solu­ti­ons for busi­nesses for over 20 years. Befo­re foun­ding the com­pa­ny, I alre­a­dy work­ed in publicly lis­ted com­pa­nies and acqui­red all kinds of know­ledge. Now I want to pass this know­ledge on to my cus­to­mers.

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