What are “Action” and “Filter” hooks in WordPress?

Marc Wag­ner

Sep­tem­ber 5, 2024

3 min read|

In Word­Press, hooks play a cen­tral role in the cus­to­miza­ti­on and exten­si­on of func­tion­a­li­ty wit­hout direct chan­ges to the core code. The­re are two types of hooks: action hooks and fil­ter hooks. Both allow deve­lo­pers to add cus­tom func­tions at spe­ci­fic times or places in the Word­Press pro­cess or to modi­fy exis­ting func­tions.

Action Hooks #

An action hook allows you to exe­cu­te cus­tom func­tions at spe­ci­fic points in the Word­Press life­cy­cle. This means that you can “hook” a func­tion that is cal­led when this spe­ci­fic point is rea­ched.

Example of an action hook


In this exam­p­le, we use the wp_footer action hook. This hook is exe­cu­ted just befo­re the HTML tag </body> is ren­de­red in the page. The meine_custom_action func­tion adds a user-defi­­ned mes­sa­ge in the foo­ter of the page.

Important action hooks in WordPress

  • wp_headIs cal­led up in the <head> area of the the­me.
  • wp_footerIs exe­cu­ted in the <footer> area of the page.
  • initIs trig­ge­red with every request in Word­Press. Often used to regis­ter cus­tom post types or taxo­no­mies.
  • admin_initIs trig­ge­red during the initia­liza­ti­on of the admin panel.

Filter Hooks #

A fil­ter hook makes it pos­si­ble to chan­ge data befo­re it is out­put or fur­ther pro­ces­sed by Word­Press. With fil­ter hooks, you can dyna­mi­cal­ly adjust the con­tent of texts, titles, meta­da­ta, etc.

Example of a filter hook


In this exam­p­le, we use the the_title fil­ter hook. This hook makes it pos­si­ble to chan­ge the page title befo­re it is dis­play­ed on the page. The meine_custom_title_filter func­tion adds the text - Anpassung durch Filter to the ori­gi­nal title.

Important filter hooks in WordPress

  • the_content: Chan­ges the con­tent of a post or page.
  • the_excerptIs appli­ed to the excerpt of a con­tri­bu­ti­on.
  • the_title: Chan­ges the title of a post or page.
  • wp_nav_menu_itemsAllows you to cus­to­mi­ze the menu items befo­re out­put.

How to use action and filter hooks #

Regis­tering a func­tion with a hook: For both actions and fil­ters, you use the Word­Press func­tions add_action() and add_filter() to regis­ter your user-defi­­ned func­tions.


    Argu­ments and prio­ri­ty: Both add_action() and add_filter() allow addi­tio­nal para­me­ters to set the prio­ri­ty and deter­mi­ne how many argu­ments should be pas­sed to the func­tion.


    The third para­me­ter (e.g. 10 or 15) defi­nes the prio­ri­ty. The smal­ler the num­ber, the ear­lier the func­tion is exe­cu­ted. The fourth para­me­ter deter­mi­nes how many argu­ments are pas­sed to the func­tion.

    Conclusion #

    Hooks, whe­ther action or fil­ter, pro­vi­de a fle­xi­ble way to extend and cus­to­mi­ze the func­tion­a­li­ty of Word­Press wit­hout chan­ging the core code. Action hooks allow you to add new func­tions, while fil­ter hooks mani­pu­la­te the exis­ting data befo­re it is out­put.

    By using the­se hooks, you can cus­to­mi­ze and extend the­mes, plug­ins and Word­Press its­elf in a varie­ty of ways.

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    Arti­kel von:

    Marc Wag­ner

    Hi Marc here. I’m the foun­der of Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve and have been pas­sio­na­te about buil­ding web­sites, online stores, appli­ca­ti­ons and SaaS solu­ti­ons for busi­nesses for over 20 years. Befo­re foun­ding the com­pa­ny, I alre­a­dy work­ed in publicly lis­ted com­pa­nies and acqui­red all kinds of know­ledge. Now I want to pass this know­ledge on to my cus­to­mers.

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