Set-up instructions

Marc Wag­ner

March 11, 2025

2 min read|

Our captcha is ver­sa­ti­le and offers you an effec­ti­ve way to pro­tect your web­site from unwan­ted access.

Functions offered #

We are con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping our plug-in. If your the­me, your plug-in or a Word­Press func­tion is not yet sup­port­ed, you are wel­co­me to cont­act us. We will check whe­ther inte­gra­ti­on is pos­si­ble and will be hap­py to add it.

The fol­lo­wing plug-ins, the­mes and Word­Press func­tions are curr­ent­ly sup­port­ed:

  • Sup­ports WPForms
  • Sup­ports Ava­da Forms
  • Sup­ports Cont­act Form 7
  • Sup­ports Ele­men­tor Forms
  • Sup­ports Gra­vi­ty Forms
  • Sup­ports Woo­Com­mer­ce regis­tra­ti­on and log­in
  • Sup­ports Word­Press log­in, regis­tra­ti­on and comm­ents
  • Sup­ports arith­me­tic captcha
  • Sup­ports Honey­pot Captcha
  • Sup­ports image captcha
  • Sup­ports IP blocking/blocking
  • Sup­ports white­list for IP and e‑mail addres­ses
  • Sup­ports Ulti­ma­te Mem­ber regis­tra­ti­on
  • Brow­ser detec­tion for craw­lers and bots
  • URL fil­ter to limit the num­ber of links in forms
  • Inte­gra­ted BB code fil­ter
  • Cus­to­mi­ze error mes­sa­ges for your cus­to­mers
  • Acti­va­te time-based pro­tec­tion mecha­nisms to increase spam pro­tec­tion
  • Add pro­tec­tion against mul­ti­ple sub­mis­si­ons of forms
  • Opti­mi­ze your pro­tec­tion by using dif­fe­rent captcha methods for dif­fe­rent forms
  • Crea­te or add our black­list to your web­site with one click. Block thou­sands of words in dif­fe­rent lan­guages.
  • GDPR-com­­pli­­ant — no coo­kies used, IP addres­ses are stored using one-way encryp­ti­on

Installation and activation #

You can easi­ly install and acti­va­te our Word­Press Captcha plug­in via the plug­in mana­ger of your Word­Press web­site. You can find the down­load direct­ly in the Word­Press plug­in direc­to­ry.

  1. Log in to your Word­Press web­site
  2. Navi­ga­te to Plug­ins > Add new plug­in to install the plug­in.
  3. Use the search plug­ins func­tion and search for“Forge12” the­re
  4. Now install and acti­va­te the captcha for Word­Press.
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First steps #

Hoo­r­ay! You have suc­cessful­ly acti­va­ted the plug­in.

After acti­va­ti­on, the new menu item “Captcha” appears in the side­bar of your Word­Press dash­board. Click on it to go direct­ly to the set­tings.

To acti­va­te spam pro­tec­tion for your site, we recom­mend the fol­lo­wing default set­tings:

Step 1: Acti­va­te anti-spam ser­vices

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First acti­va­te spam pro­tec­tion for the available func­tions that you want to pro­tect.

Step 2: Acti­va­te honey­pot

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Then acti­va­te the captcha pro­tec­tion and sel­ect the “Spam trap” (honey­pot) opti­on as the pro­tec­tion method.

Step 3: Acti­va­te addi­tio­nal pro­tec­tion methods (optio­nal)

The Captcha plug­in offers addi­tio­nal pro­tec­tion methods that help to detect and block bots. The­se set­tings can be acti­va­ted optio­nal­ly. We recom­mend acti­vat­ing Java­Script pro­tec­tion and brow­ser pro­tec­tion in order to block as many bots as pos­si­ble wit­hout com­pro­mi­sing the user-fri­en­d­­li­­ne­ss for your visi­tors.

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Save the set­tings by cli­cking on the Save but­ton to acti­va­te the pro­tec­tion.

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Artic­le from:

Marc Wag­ner

Hi Marc here. I’m the foun­der of Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve and have been pas­sio­na­te about buil­ding web­sites, online stores, appli­ca­ti­ons and SaaS solu­ti­ons for busi­nesses for over 20 years. Befo­re foun­ding the com­pa­ny, I alre­a­dy work­ed in publicly lis­ted com­pa­nies and acqui­red all kinds of know­ledge. Now I want to pass this know­ledge on to my cus­to­mers.

Do you have a ques­ti­on? Plea­se lea­ve a com­ment