One Stop Shop (OSS) with WooCommerce

Marc Wag­ner

June 30, 2021

3 min read|

On 01.07.2021, the One-Stop Shop pro­ce­du­re (OSS) will be rol­led out across Euro­pe. This pro­ce­du­re helps to sim­pli­fy the pay­ment of VAT. Up to now, dif­fe­rent thres­holds app­ly throug­hout Euro­pe, depen­ding on the mem­ber sta­te. If you exceed this thres­hold, you had to regis­ter in the respec­ti­ve coun­try in order to pay the VAT the­re.

What changes? #

With the ent­ry into force of the One-Stop Shop (OOS) pro­ce­du­re, the thres­hold is uni­form­ly lowe­red to 10,000 EUR for the calen­dar year. As long as you do not exceed this value, you can com­for­ta­b­ly pay VAT in the coun­try whe­re your busi­ness is loca­ted.

As soon as you exceed the thres­hold, you will have to regis­ter with the one-stop shop (OSS) in the future. The­re you can easi­ly decla­re and pay the VAT due for mem­ber sta­tes.

How can I customize my WooCommerce store for OSS? #

The­re is alre­a­dy a sui­ta­ble solu­ti­on for this. Ven­dide­ro, the deve­lo­pers of Ger­ma­ni­zed, offer the Woo­Com­mer­ce plug­in One-Stop Shop Plug­in for Woo­Com­mer­ce for free.

If you are alre­a­dy using Ger­ma­ni­zed, you can even avo­id instal­ling a new plug­in. Sin­ce 29.06, Ven­dide­ro has alre­a­dy inte­gra­ted the OSS cus­to­miza­ti­on into the Ger­ma­ni­zed plug­in.

How can I check if I am affected by the OSS procedure?

First, you should check if you exceed the thres­hold. For that, you can sim­ply go to Woo­Com­mer­ce > One-Stop Shop.

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Crea­te new OSS report

Now crea­te a new report start­ing from 01.01.2021 until today’s date. The report shows you if you alre­a­dy exceed the thres­hold or how clo­se you are to it.

If you exceed the thres­hold, an addi­tio­nal regis­tra­ti­on for the OSS pro­ce­du­re is requi­red. You should do this in time. Addi­tio­nal­ly, you have to adjust your Woo­Com­mer­ce store. This main­ly con­cerns the tax cal­cu­la­ti­on, but also the pri­ce dis­play.

How to customize the tax calculation in WooCommerce

In the set­tings of Woo­Com­mer­ce > Set­tings > OSS, you can auto­ma­te the auto­ma­tic con­ver­si­on of the EU tax rates by cli­cking the Start OSS Share but­ton. Alter­na­tively, you can cus­to­mi­ze this yours­elf via Woo­Com­mer­ce > Set­tings > VAT > Default tax rates.

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Set EU default tax rates in Woo­Com­mer­ce

In addi­ti­on to the stan­dard tax rates, the­re is also the redu­ced tax rate, the hig­her tax rate and the great­ly redu­ced tax rate. In Ger­ma­ny, the­re is only one redu­ced tax rate. Other EU count­ries have up to two fur­ther redu­ced tax rates.

After import­ing and par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the OSS, the amounts in the cash regis­ter are cal­cu­la­ted based on the stan­dard tax rate. Howe­ver, con­flicts may ari­se here due to the redu­ced tax rates.

For exam­p­le, pet food is taxed at 7% (redu­ced tax rate) in Ger­ma­ny. In other count­ries, howe­ver, this can be quite dif­fe­rent again.

But also here the plug­in from Ven­dide­ro helps. On the edit view of your pro­ducts, you will now find a new opti­on that allows you to set dif­fe­rent tax clas­ses for dif­fe­rent count­ries.

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Woo­Com­mer­ce — Store new tax clas­ses on pro­duct level

Howe­ver, this also means for you that you now have to defi­ne the cor­rect tax clas­ses for each pro­duct and for each coun­try you sell to (if they are taxed dif­fer­ent­ly).

Create and export reports regularly

For the OSS pro­ce­du­re, the Fede­ral Cen­tral Tax Office requi­res regu­lar reports. The­se have to be sent quar­ter­ly and at the latest one month after the end of the quar­ter. The One-Stop Shop plug­in offers you a simp­le export in CSV. The net and tax amount for the respec­ti­ve coun­try will be cal­cu­la­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. You can then easi­ly hand over the report to your tax advi­sor.

Step-By-Step Guide #

  1. Down­load One-Stop Shop Plug­in for Woo­Com­mer­ce
  2. Have report crea­ted to check if you are affec­ted by OSS pro­ce­du­re (>10,000 EUR, Woo­Com­mer­ce > OSS)
  3. Per­form regis­tra­ti­on for OSS
  4. Import tax rates by con­fir­ming the Start OSS par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on but­ton (Woo­Com­mer­ce > Set­tings > OSS).
  5. Add redu­ced tax rates at pro­duct level by tax class and coun­try (Pro­ducts > Edit > Gene­ral > Add coun­­try-spe­ci­­fic tax class (OSS))
  6. Gene­ra­te quar­ter­ly report and sub­mit to tax advi­sor. (Woo­Com­mer­ce > OSS)

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Arti­kel von:

Marc Wag­ner

Hi Marc here. I’m the foun­der of Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve and have been pas­sio­na­te about buil­ding web­sites, online stores, appli­ca­ti­ons and SaaS solu­ti­ons for busi­nesses for over 20 years. Befo­re foun­ding the com­pa­ny, I alre­a­dy work­ed in publicly lis­ted com­pa­nies and acqui­red all kinds of know­ledge. Now I want to pass this know­ledge on to my cus­to­mers.

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