Logging (logs)

Marc Wag­ner

March 11, 2025

4 min read|

In the plug-in set­tings, you have the opti­on of acti­vat­ing log­ging. As soon as you acti­va­te this func­tion, all forms are recor­ded. This docu­ments whe­ther a form was sent suc­cessful­ly or mark­ed as spam.

Activate logging #

To acti­va­te log­ging, first go to Captcha > Dash­board > Logs. The­re, click on Acti­va­te log­ging to acti­va­te log­ging.


Then save the set­tings you have made by cli­cking on the Save but­ton.


The log­ging records all ent­ries that are vali­da­ted via the captcha. In the logs, you can view tech­ni­cal details that help you to opti­mi­ze the set­tings of the captcha plug­in. You also recei­ve infor­ma­ti­on on why cer­tain ent­ries were clas­si­fied as spam.

Evaluate logs #

Switch to the Captcha tab > Log ent­ries to eva­lua­te the logs. The­re you will find an over­view of all forms that were trans­mit­ted and eva­lua­ted while log­ging was acti­va­ted.



The Sta­tus column shows you at a glan­ce whe­ther an ent­ry has beenveri­fied or clas­si­fied asspam.

The title of the log shows the date and time at which the form was vali­da­ted.


Click on an ent­ry or the link to edit to access fur­ther tech­ni­cal details.

grafik 10

Use for exam­p­le w3schools.comto make the con­tent clea­rer and easier to read.

grafik 11

In addi­ti­on to the form data, the fol­lo­wing values are log­ged:

 * Standard Formular Daten von CF7
_wpcf7: 31
_wpcf7_version: 5.9.7
_wpcf7_locale: cz_CZ
_wpcf7_unit_tag: wpcf7-f31-p2-o1
_wpcf7_container_post: 2

 * Formular Felder
Anmerkung: test
checkbox-735: Ich habe die Datenschutzhinweise gelesen und bin damit einverstanden
 * Captcha Felder (CF7 Only)
 * Die Bezeichnung kann variieren, abhängig davon, ob Sie diese geändert haben.
f12_captcha-443: 8
f12_captcha-443_hash: $2y$10$AaEFLIYRhdmKPY2gHF7Re...q6OQYshbO2acDYFEuSrl2/JRTpytG

 * Zeiterfassung
 * Felder die dazu dienen, festzustellen, wie schnell das Formular versendet wurde
php_start_time: 1721715548.4051
js_end_time: 1721715596.486
js_start_time: 1721715553.064
Timer Data: Form loaded: 23.07.2024 06:19:08 [1721715548.4051],Form submitted: 23.07.2024 06:19:54 [1721715594.4],Time passed: 45995 ms, 46 sec,
Timer Data PHP: Form loaded: 23.07.2024 06:19:08 [1721715548.4051],Form submitted: 23.07.2024 06:19:54 [1721715594.4],Time passed: 45995 ms, 46 sec,
Timer Data JS: Form loaded: 23.07.2024 06:19:13 [1721715553.064],Form submitted: 23.07.2024 06:19:56 [1721715596.486],Time passed: 43422 ms, 43 sec,
 * Schutz vor Mehrfacheinreichung
f12_multiple_submission_protection: $2y$10$q8dm2qtAg6byepUvikxlDOBZV.Z0fMJVFuvwAvLBgF3MOIVSJikya
 * Captcha Felder
 * Die Bezeichnung kann variieren, abhängig davon, ob Sie diese geändert haben.
f12_captcha: 20
f12_captcha_hash: $2y$10$7rEl3t5zS2KSyp.5nXM1WOhu80NzgmTxbfDl2HHpyqS1dERe3jva6

 * Browser Informationen
 * Zusätzliche Informationen über den Browser des Besuchers
Browser Data: browser_name:Chrome,browser_version:,platform_name:Windows,device_type_name:Desktop,is_mobile:,
 * Header Informationen
 * Zusätzliche Informationen über den übermittelten Header der Anfrage
Header Data: Accept:application/json, */*;q=0.1,Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br, zstd,Accept-Language:de-DE,de;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,Connection:close,User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36,

 * Der Name des Prozesses, der die Nachricht als Spam eingestuft hat
Log Message: captcha-protection

Possible log messages and their meaning #

The fol­lo­wing mes­sa­ges can be dis­play­ed as log mes­sa­ges:

  • captcha-pro­­tec­­ti­on
    The user was unable to sol­ve the captcha.
  • timer-pro­­tec­­ti­on
    The form was sub­mit­ted too quick­ly. This mes­sa­ge often occurs when bots try to fill out and send forms via your site.
  • ip-pro­­tec­­ti­on
    The user’s IP address has been blo­cked. This error is trig­ge­red if too many mes­sa­ges have been clas­si­fied as spam and IP pro­tec­tion is acti­va­ted.
  • java­­script-pro­­tec­­ti­on
    This error occurs if the visi­tor was unable to inter­pret Java­Script. This often indi­ca­tes misu­se by bots.
  • mul­­ti­­p­le-sub­­­mis­­si­on-pro­­tec­­ti­on
    This error occurs if an attempt is made to sub­mit the form seve­ral times in quick suc­ces­si­on.
  • rule-pro­­tec­­ti­on
    This error occurs if the visi­tor has ente­red a word that is on the black­list, or has used BB code or too many links in the text.

The log mes­sa­ges depend on the acti­va­ted pro­tec­tion methods.

Deleting logs #

The logs can be easi­ly dele­ted by navi­ga­ting to Captcha > Dash­board > Logs and sel­ec­ting the Dele­te all opti­on.


Alter­na­tively, you have the opti­on of only dele­ting ent­ries that are older than 3 weeks.


Remem­ber to deac­ti­va­te log­ging after dele­ting the ent­ries to pre­vent fur­ther data from being added. Other­wi­se, log­ging could unneces­s­a­ri­ly inf­la­te the data­ba­se and impair the per­for­mance of your web­site.

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Artic­le from:

Marc Wag­ner

Hi Marc here. I’m the foun­der of Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve and have been pas­sio­na­te about buil­ding web­sites, online stores, appli­ca­ti­ons and SaaS solu­ti­ons for busi­nesses for over 20 years. Befo­re foun­ding the com­pa­ny, I alre­a­dy work­ed in publicly lis­ted com­pa­nies and acqui­red all kinds of know­ledge. Now I want to pass this know­ledge on to my cus­to­mers.

Do you have a ques­ti­on? Plea­se lea­ve a com­ment