Logging (logs)
Marc Wagner
March 11, 2025
In the plug-in settings, you have the option of activating logging. As soon as you activate this function, all forms are recorded. This documents whether a form was sent successfully or marked as spam.
Activate logging #
To activate logging, first go to Captcha > Dashboard > Logs. There, click on Activate logging to activate logging.

Then save the settings you have made by clicking on the Save button.
The logging records all entries that are validated via the captcha. In the logs, you can view technical details that help you to optimize the settings of the captcha plugin. You also receive information on why certain entries were classified as spam.
Evaluate logs #
Switch to the Captcha tab > Log entries to evaluate the logs. There you will find an overview of all forms that were transmitted and evaluated while logging was activated.

The Status column shows you at a glance whether an entry has beenverified or classified asspam.
The title of the log shows the date and time at which the form was validated.
Click on an entry or the link to edit to access further technical details.

Use for example w3schools.comto make the content clearer and easier to read.

In addition to the form data, the following values are logged:
/** * Standard Formular Daten von CF7 */ _wpcf7: 31 _wpcf7_version: 5.9.7 _wpcf7_locale: cz_CZ _wpcf7_unit_tag: wpcf7-f31-p2-o1 _wpcf7_container_post: 2 _wpcf7_posted_data_hash: /** * Formular Felder */ Anmerkung: test checkbox-735: Ich habe die Datenschutzhinweise gelesen und bin damit einverstanden /** * Captcha Felder (CF7 Only) * Die Bezeichnung kann variieren, abhängig davon, ob Sie diese geändert haben. */ f12_captcha-443: 8 f12_captcha-443_hash: $2y$10$AaEFLIYRhdmKPY2gHF7Re...q6OQYshbO2acDYFEuSrl2/JRTpytG /** * Zeiterfassung * Felder die dazu dienen, festzustellen, wie schnell das Formular versendet wurde */ php_start_time: 1721715548.4051 js_end_time: 1721715596.486 js_start_time: 1721715553.064 Timer Data: Form loaded: 23.07.2024 06:19:08 [1721715548.4051],Form submitted: 23.07.2024 06:19:54 [1721715594.4],Time passed: 45995 ms, 46 sec, Timer Data PHP: Form loaded: 23.07.2024 06:19:08 [1721715548.4051],Form submitted: 23.07.2024 06:19:54 [1721715594.4],Time passed: 45995 ms, 46 sec, Timer Data JS: Form loaded: 23.07.2024 06:19:13 [1721715553.064],Form submitted: 23.07.2024 06:19:56 [1721715596.486],Time passed: 43422 ms, 43 sec, /** * Schutz vor Mehrfacheinreichung */ f12_multiple_submission_protection: $2y$10$q8dm2qtAg6byepUvikxlDOBZV.Z0fMJVFuvwAvLBgF3MOIVSJikya /** * Captcha Felder * Die Bezeichnung kann variieren, abhängig davon, ob Sie diese geändert haben. */ f12_captcha: 20 f12_captcha_hash: $2y$10$7rEl3t5zS2KSyp.5nXM1WOhu80NzgmTxbfDl2HHpyqS1dERe3jva6 /** * Browser Informationen * Zusätzliche Informationen über den Browser des Besuchers */ Browser Data: browser_name:Chrome,browser_version:,platform_name:Windows,device_type_name:Desktop,is_mobile:, /** * Header Informationen * Zusätzliche Informationen über den übermittelten Header der Anfrage */ Header Data: Accept:application/json, */*;q=0.1,Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br, zstd,Accept-Language:de-DE,de;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,Connection:close,User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, /** * Der Name des Prozesses, der die Nachricht als Spam eingestuft hat */ Log Message: captcha-protection
Possible log messages and their meaning #
The following messages can be displayed as log messages:
- captcha-protection
The user was unable to solve the captcha. - timer-protection
The form was submitted too quickly. This message often occurs when bots try to fill out and send forms via your site. - ip-protection
The user’s IP address has been blocked. This error is triggered if too many messages have been classified as spam and IP protection is activated. - javascript-protection
This error occurs if the visitor was unable to interpret JavaScript. This often indicates misuse by bots. - multiple-submission-protection
This error occurs if an attempt is made to submit the form several times in quick succession. - rule-protection
This error occurs if the visitor has entered a word that is on the blacklist, or has used BB code or too many links in the text.
The log messages depend on the activated protection methods.
Deleting logs #
The logs can be easily deleted by navigating to Captcha > Dashboard > Logs and selecting the Delete all option.

Alternatively, you have the option of only deleting entries that are older than 3 weeks.
Remember to deactivate logging after deleting the entries to prevent further data from being added. Otherwise, logging could unnecessarily inflate the database and impair the performance of your website.

Article from:
Marc Wagner
Hi Marc here. I’m the founder of Forge12 Interactive and have been passionate about building websites, online stores, applications and SaaS solutions for businesses for over 20 years. Before founding the company, I already worked in publicly listed companies and acquired all kinds of knowledge. Now I want to pass this knowledge on to my customers.