Disable WordPress plugins without dashboard

Marc Wag­ner

Octo­ber 26, 2022

2 min read|

Plug­ins can be dis­ab­led in two ways if you don’t have access to the backend:

  1. Disable via SQL
  2. Rena­me plug­in fol­der

The fas­test way to deac­ti­va­te plug­ins is to rena­me the respec­ti­ve fol­der.

Where can I find the WordPress plugins? #

This is quite simp­le with Word­Press. All plug­ins are pla­ced in the wp-con­­ten­­t/­­plu­g­ins fol­der.

image 53
Word­Press plug­ins loca­ti­on

How do I deactivate a plugin? #

You can access the plug­in sim­ply by ren­aming the plug­in fol­der.

It’s best to look at the gra­phic abo­ve. The­re you will see a lot of fol­ders on the right. Each fol­der repres­ents a plug­in.

By ren­aming e.g.:




If the plug­in is deac­ti­va­ted.

You will then recei­ve a mes­sa­ge after log­ging into Word­Press that the plug­in could not be found. It will be remo­ved from the list of acti­ve plug­ins.

Disable the plugin via SQL #

Important: Chan­ges to the data­ba­se can cau­se errors. You should the­r­e­fo­re crea­te a back­up befo­re each chan­ge.

In Word­Press, all plug­ins that are acti­ve are stored in the data­ba­se. You can find the ent­ry in the wp_options table. Look the­re for the ent­ry active_plugins in the column option_name.

image 54
Ent­ry active_plugins in the wp_options table

If you are fami­li­ar with seria­li­zed texts, you can also deac­ti­va­te the plug­in here by remo­ving the ent­ry.

image 55
edit active_plugins in PhpMy­Ad­min

You can check if your string is still cor­rect for exam­p­le on fun­c­­ti­ons-online . Enter your text the­re after you have edi­ted it.

For exam­p­le, with our text from abo­ve, the result would look like this:

image 56
Dese­ria­li­zed text from active_plugins

If you have made a mista­ke, you will prompt­ly recei­ve an error mes­sa­ge:

image 57
Error in dese­ria­li­zed text

Then you should check your chan­ge befo­re you store it in the data­ba­se.

Conclusion #

Today we found out how to disable plug­ins if you don’t have access to the dash­board. This can hap­pen when a plug­in cau­ses an error.

Howe­ver, ren­aming the fol­der or adjus­ting the data­ba­se can quick­ly sol­ve the pro­blem.

Have you ever had the pro­blem with your Word­Press web­site? Then lea­ve us a com­ment and tell us about it.

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Arti­kel von:

Marc Wag­ner

Hi Marc here. I’m the foun­der of Forge12 Inter­ac­ti­ve and have been pas­sio­na­te about buil­ding web­sites, online stores, appli­ca­ti­ons and SaaS solu­ti­ons for busi­nesses for over 20 years. Befo­re foun­ding the com­pa­ny, I alre­a­dy work­ed in publicly lis­ted com­pa­nies and acqui­red all kinds of know­ledge. Now I want to pass this know­ledge on to my cus­to­mers.

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