How to create a child theme on WordPress

Marc Wagner, July 5, 2021

No mat­ter whe­ther you have your web­site crea­ted by an agen­cy, hired a free­lan­cer or take care of it yours­elf — you should defi­ni­te­ly crea­te a child the­me befo­re you start adding con­tent to your page.

Why should I create a child theme for WordPress? #

Word­Press the­mes are updated regu­lar­ly by the aut­hors. With a the­me update, all files in the fol­der are going to be over­writ­ten.

If you now make chan­ges yours­elf, which makes sen­se from time to time, the­se files will be over­writ­ten during an update.

Then I just stop updating my the­me? Sure, you could do that, but at some point you run the risk that your the­me is no lon­ger com­pa­ti­ble with the latest Word­Press ver­si­ons and errors occur.

The effort for crea­ting a child the­me is actual­ly mini­mal. Plus, you only need to do this job once. After that, ever­y­thing runs by its­elf.

How can I create a child theme? #

First sel­ect and acti­va­te the the­me of your choice for which you want to crea­te your child the­me. (Design> The­mes)

wordpress theme auswaehlen
Word­Press The­me sel­ec­tion

Create a folder for the child theme #

As soon as you have instal­led your the­me, you con­nect to your ser­ver with the FTP cli­ent of your choice. The­re you switch to the fol­der wp-con­tent > the­mes.

Now crea­te a new fol­der. How you call this is up to you. Usual­ly you take the title of the the­me and add “-child” to it.

For exam­p­le, “twen­tyt­wen­ty” beco­mes “twen­tyt­wen­ty-child”.

wordpress theme ordner anlegen
Word­Press-The­me crea­te a fol­der

Create the style.css file #

Once you’­ve crea­ted the fol­der, crea­te a file cal­led style.css. Insert the fol­lo­wing tem­p­la­te and replace the texts after­wards:

    Theme Name:   Twenty Twenty Child  
    Description:  Mein Child Theme  
    Author:       Mein Name
    URI:          Meine Webseiten URL
    Template:     twentytwenty
    Version:      1.0  
    Text Domain:  twenty-twenty-child 

Create the functions.php #

Now we have to crea­te the functions.php file in the child the­me fol­der. Pas­te the fol­lo­wing code as a tem­p­la­te.

function child_theme_styles()
    wp_enqueue_style('parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css');
    wp_enqueue_style('child-theme-css', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array('parent-style'));


add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'child_theme_styles');

The code spe­ci­fies that the style­sheet from the ori­gi­nal the­me is loa­ded first. The style­sheet is then loa­ded from the child the­me.

Create a preview image #

You can now crea­te a pre­view image that will then be dis­play­ed under Design > The­mes. For this, you sim­ply crea­te an image with the name “screenshot.png” and save it in the child the­me fol­der. Alter­na­tively, you can also copy the image from the ori­gi­nal the­me.

Activate the child-theme #

Now all you have to do is acti­va­te the child the­me. To do this, switch back to your Word­Press dash­board under Design> The­mes and acti­va­te it.

wordpress theme auswaehlen 1
Child The­me acti­va­ti­on

The child the­me should now be acti­va­ted and you can start to add your con­tent.

Further adjustments #

If you only instal­led the child the­me after­wards, you have to app­ly a few cus­to­miza­ti­on set­tings. You can use the Cus­to­mi­zer Export / Import plug­in for this.

Summary #

That’s it alre­a­dy. You see, the effort for crea­ting a child the­me was rela­tively easy and quick to do. In addi­ti­on, it saves a lot of work as soon as the­re is an update.

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Marc Wagner

Hi Marc here. I'm the founder of Forge12 Interactive and have been passionate about building websites, online stores, applications and SaaS solutions for businesses for over 20 years. Before founding the company, I already worked in publicly listed companies and acquired all kinds of knowledge. Now I want to pass this knowledge on to my customers.

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