WordPress relocation

Take advantage of our removal service

Thanks to our expe­ri­ence, we can easi­ly move your web­site to a new ser­ver.

WordPress Server Umzug
WordPress Server Umzug
WordPress Server Umzug
WordPress Plugin individuelle Entwicklung

Reduce unnecessary downtime

Our deve­lo­pers plan the relo­ca­ti­on of your web­site in advan­ce and prepa­re the neces­sa­ry adjus­t­ments.

Receive exclusive aftercare

If you have any pro­blems after the move, we are at your dis­po­sal.

WordPress Support Telefon
WordPress Support Telefon
WordPress Support Telefon
Geben Sie hier Ihre Anmer­kun­gen an.

Enquire now without obligation and benefit from first-class service

Wri­te to us using the cont­act form or make an appoint­ment direct­ly.

We offer pro­fes­sio­nal moving ser­vice for your Word­Press web­site and online store.

Your web­site will remain acces­si­ble during the move. To ensu­re this, files from the web­site are trans­fer­red first. After­wards we trans­fer your data­ba­se — the brain of your web­site. Final­ly, we adjust the para­me­ters of the data­ba­se so that Word­Press runs as befo­re.

We per­form the move in the back­ground while your web­site remains online.

In many cases, e‑mails and DNS set­tings are also affec­ted when a ser­ver is chan­ged. To make sure you don’t lose any emails in the end, we advi­se you in advan­ce on what to look out for and help you make sure not­hing gets lost.