WordPress development

Get customized extensions

As deve­lo­pers, we deal with the pro­gramming of Word­Press appli­ca­ti­ons on a dai­ly basis.

WordPress Entwicklung
WordPress Entwicklung
WordPress Entwicklung
WordPress Plugin individuelle Entwicklung

Adapted to your business processes

Cus­to­mi­zed appli­ca­ti­ons can be easi­ly adapt­ed to your needs. We can opti­mi­ze both the pre­sen­ta­ti­on for visi­tors and the ope­ra­ti­on by your employees.

Benefit from easy maintainability

All our plug­ins are deve­lo­ped in accordance with the Word­Press codex. They the­r­e­fo­re com­ply with the cur­rent Word­Press stan­dards.

WordPress Plugin Wartung
WordPress Plugin Wartung
WordPress Plugin Wartung
WordPress Plugin Sicherheit

Get additional security for your application

By adhe­ring to the Word­Press stan­dards and regu­lar­ly che­cking the code struc­tu­re, we con­tri­bu­te to a hig­her level of secu­ri­ty for our plug­ins.

Access external resources

Auto­ma­te your pro­ces­ses by con­nec­ting exter­nal inter­faces and AI tools

WordPress Plugin API

Discover our exclusive WordPress plugins

As deve­lo­pers, we also crea­te our own plug­ins, which are available in the Word­Press plug­in store. Some of our plug­ins are also offe­red as pre­mi­um ver­si­ons and include exten­ded func­tions.

  • WooCommerce Package Quantity Control

    Con­trol the order quan­ti­ties in Woo­Com­mer­ce with the Packa­ge Quan­ti­ty Con­trol plug­in! Defi­ne fixed quan­ti­ty packa­ges for your pro­ducts and pre­vent incor­rect orders. Ide­al for retail­ers who only want to sell pro­ducts in cer­tain quan­ti­ties.

    19,00  / year

  • Min/Max Quantity for WooCommerce

    With “Min/Max Quan­ti­ty for Woo­Com­mer­ce”, store ope­ra­tors can defi­ne indi­vi­du­al mini­mum and maxi­mum order quan­ti­ties for pro­ducts. Pro­tect your stock and opti­mi­ze orde­ring pro­ces­ses with dyna­mic quan­ti­ty limits — direct­ly in Woo­Com­mer­ce!

    19,00  / year

  • Produktkonfigurator für WooCommerce

    Mit unse­rem Pro­dukt­kon­fi­gu­ra­tor für Woo­Com­mer­ce ermög­li­chen Sie Ihren Kun­den, indi­vi­du­el­le Pro­dukt­zu­sam­men­stel­lun­gen ganz nach Wunsch zu kre­ieren. Ob Pra­li­nen­bo­xen mit frei wähl­ba­ren Sor­ten oder ande­re per­so­na­li­sier­te Sets – Ihr Shop wird zum Erleb­nis.

    From: 49,00  / year

Geben Sie hier Ihre Anmer­kun­gen an.

Enquire now without obligation and benefit from first-class service

Wri­te to us using the cont­act form or make an appoint­ment direct­ly.