Using JavaScript, create an interval that calls your scripts.

Marc Wagner, July 22, 2022

You want to show con­tent on your web­site only at a cer­tain point in time? Then you can do this quick­ly and easi­ly with Java­Script.

The final code #

If you are an expe­ri­en­ced web deve­lo­per and don’t need long expl­ana­ti­ons, I have the com­ple­te code right here:

"use strict";

window['checktimer'] = function(date, intervalTime, onSuccess, onUpdate){
    let TimerInterval = null;
    let endDate = new Date(date);
    let calls = 0;

    TimerInterval = setInterval(function(){
        var startDate = new Date();

        var seconds = (endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / 1000;
        if(seconds <= 0){
            if(typeof(onSuccess) !== "undefined") {
            if(typeof(onUpdate) !== "undefined") {
    }, intervalTime);

Appro­pria­te­ly, here is the call to the func­tion so you can get star­ted right away:

window.checktimer("2020-11-10 10:50:00", 1000, function(calls){
     # Called as soon as the Timestamp is reached
  }, function(calls){
     # Called whenever an Update has processed.
} );

For all other bud­ding web deve­lo­pers, here is a short expl­ana­ti­on. By the way, you can find a code that com­pa­res two dates in PHP here.

The explanation of the JavaScript code #

First, we crea­te a func­tion that is glo­bal­ly valid by defi­ning it in the scope of the win­dow.

window['checktimer'] = function(date, intervalTime, onSuccess, onUpdate){}

The func­tion should take four para­me­ters that we need to allow some fle­xi­bi­li­ty:

dateThe for­mat­ted date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss)
e.g.: “2020–11-10 10:50:00”
inter­val­Ti­meThe mil­li­se­conds, how often the date is che­cked.
onSuc­cessA call­back func­tion that is cal­led when the desi­red date is rea­ched.
onUp­dateA call­back func­tion that is cal­led when the date has been che­cked.
Para­me­ters of the func­tion.

Right at the begin­ning we decla­re our values, which are only nee­ded for the func­tion its­elf, but which should not be chan­ged from the out­side.

let TimerInterval = null; // store the interval object
let endDate = new Date(date); // store the date object
let calls = 0; // calls done till the date is reached

We then use the values to crea­te the inter­val to check at regu­lar inter­vals whe­ther the tar­get date has been rea­ched.

TimerInterval = setInterval(function(){
    var startDate = new Date();

    var seconds = (endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / 1000;
    if(seconds <= 0){
        if(typeof(onSuccess) !== "undefined") {
        if(typeof(onUpdate) !== "undefined") {
}, intervalTime);

As soon as this is the case, the seconds chan­ge from a posi­ti­ve inte­ger to a nega­ti­ve one, which is why we can ter­mi­na­te the inter­val and call the defi­ned “onSuc­cess” call­back func­tion.

Summary #

Cal­cu­la­ting the dif­fe­rence bet­ween two dates in seconds is easi­ly done with Java­Script. By off­loa­ding the func­tion and pas­sing in call­back func­tions, you can crea­te clean, reusable code that can be built into any web page or web appli­ca­ti­on.

I hope this post helps you with your pro­ject. If you have any ques­ti­ons or feed­back, feel free to lea­ve a com­ment.

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Marc Wagner

Hi Marc here. I'm the founder of Forge12 Interactive and have been passionate about building websites, online stores, applications and SaaS solutions for businesses for over 20 years. Before founding the company, I already worked in publicly listed companies and acquired all kinds of knowledge. Now I want to pass this knowledge on to my customers.

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