WordPress websites and online stores for your company with a customized design

With our pro­fes­sio­nal solu­ti­ons, inclu­ding a pre­mi­um the­me and cus­to­mi­zed design for Word­Press, you can get off to the per­fect start in the digi­tal age. Con­cen­tra­te on your core busi­ness while we take care of your online pre­sence.




For trade fairs & events

  • Home­page, imprint and data pro­tec­tion

  • Ava­da the­me, SEO plug­in and basic caching included.

  • Cus­to­miza­ti­on of the page to your com­pa­ny.

  • Ente­ring con­tent

  • Cus­to­mi­zed design of the home­page incl. 2 cor­rec­tion pha­ses.

Per­fect as a busi­ness card

The web­site is crea­ted on the basis of Ava­da and a cus­to­mi­zed design. The design is embedded in Ava­da so that you can expand your web­site yours­elf at any time.




For com­pa­nies & asso­cia­ti­ons

  • Home­page, Imprint, Data pro­tec­tion and 4 sub­pages

  • Inte­gra­ted blog

  • Inter­ac­ti­ve con­tent such as forms and calen­dars

  • Word­Press basic trai­ning

  • Cus­to­mi­zed design of the home­page incl. 2 cor­rec­tion pha­ses. Sub­pages are based on the start page.

All one-pager ser­vices plus:

4 addi­tio­nal sub­pages, basic search engi­ne opti­miza­ti­on, rich text snip­pets, auto­ma­tic back­up stra­tegy and needs ana­ly­sis.

Online store



Sel­ling pro­ducts online

  • Home­page, Imprint, Data pro­tec­tion and 4 sub­pages

  • Inte­gra­ted store page, pro­duct page, shop­ping cart and check­out

  • Inte­gra­ted pay­ment ser­vice pro­vi­ders (Pay­Pal, Stri­pe, Mol­lie)

  • Inte­gra­ted ship­ping ser­vice pro­vi­ders (DHL, DPD, GLS, UPS)

  • Cus­to­mi­zed design of the home­page, pro­duct page, check­out and shop­ping cart incl. 2 cor­rec­tion pha­ses. Sub­pages are based on the start page.

All web­site ser­vices plus:

Stan­dar­di­zed online store based on Woo­Com­mer­ce, Ger­ma­ni­zed, one-stop store pro­cess, invoi­cing and e‑mail dis­patch.

* The packa­ges men­tio­ned abo­ve are stan­dar­di­zed solu­ti­ons for web­sites and online stores based on Word­Press, the pre­mi­um the­me Ava­da and com­mon plug­ins. The cus­to­mi­zed design is crea­ted for you in advan­ce and inte­gra­ted into the Ava­da pre­mi­um the­me. Plea­se cont­act us for cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­ons.

Major customer? Get an individual offer.

Haven’t found a packa­ge that covers all your needs?
Cont­act us for a cus­to­mi­zed offer.

Discover our WordPress projects

Dis­co­ver a sel­ec­tion of our modern designs rea­li­zed with powerful code. Per­for­mant and beau­tiful at the same time.

That’s why our customers love us!

Read what our cus­to­mers think about us.

Super­schnel­ler und kom­pe­ten­ter Ser­vice. Bei Pro­ble­men sofort eine gro­ße Hil­fe und für alle Fra­gen offen. Wer­de immer wie­der die Hil­fe in Anspruch neh­men. Vie­len Dank!
Miriam-Jana E. Avatar
Miri­am-Jana E.
Wir haben bereits in meh­re­ren Pro­jek­ten mit Forge12 zusam­men­ge­ar­bei­tet. Mit Herrn Wag­ner hat­ten wir einen sehr kom­pe­ten­ten Ansprech­part­ner. Egal ob tech­ni­sche Ange­le­gen­hei­ten oder Typo3-spe­zi­fi­sche Ent­wick­lungs­mög­lich­kei­ten – immer kom­pe­tent und gut erreich­bar!
Marcel I. Avatar
Mar­cel I.
1a Ser­vice und kun­den­ori­en­tier­te Arbeit. Kann man nur wei­ter­emp­feh­len =)
Dani Avatar

Get your websites created with WordPress now!

We crea­te your web­site with Word­Press, the most popu­lar con­tent manage­ment sys­tem. Word­Press is user-fri­end­ly, easy to learn and con­ve­ni­ent to cus­to­mi­ze to your needs.

When crea­ting your web­site, we make sure that it is opti­mi­zed for search engi­nes. Through opti­miza­ti­on you impro­ve your posi­ti­on in search engi­nes.

Our Word­Press web­sites allow you to easi­ly edit your con­tent yours­elf. Easi­ly crea­te new pages or wri­te posts for social media. By publi­shing con­tent regu­lar­ly, you also increase your reach.

Would you rather focus on your busi­ness? No pro­blem, with our main­ten­an­ce con­tracts we are very hap­py to take care of your web­site.