
Powerful managed WordPress hosting

Wel­co­me to the new home of your Word­Press web­sites. Bene­fit from a fast and secu­re infra­struc­tu­re, Redis caching and com­pe­tent sup­port.

Unhap­py with your cur­rent pro­vi­der? We move your web­site free of char­ge.




per month

For small and lar­ge web­sites

  • Word­Press, plug­in and the­me updates

  • Update moni­to­ring

  • Func­tion test befo­re and after updates

  • Error cor­rec­tions

  • Licen­se ser­vice

  • Dai­ly back­ups

  • Repla­ce­ment of out­da­ted plug­ins

Main­ten­an­ce for your web­site:

Back­up stra­tegy, secu­ri­ty packa­ge, cus­to­mer sup­port and update stra­tegy included.

Sehr pro­fes­sio­nel­le Bera­tung und super schnel­le Umset­zung der Auf­trä­ge! Know-how in diver­sen Berei­chen und tol­ler Kun­den­ser­vice. Vie­len Dank!
K. K. Avatar
K. K.
Super kom­pe­tent, immer hilfs­be­reit und sehr freund­lich. Dan­ke Marc 😊
Extrem schnel­ler Sup­port bei Anfra­gen zu Word­press Plug­ins, Kun­de ist sehr zufrie­den! Dan­ke!
Ines O. Avatar
Ines O.
Schnel­ler Sup­port bzgl. Anfra­ge zu Plug­in, vie­len Dank!
Matthias A. Avatar
Mat­thi­as A.

Our WordPress managed hosting packages:Compare hosting packages

Switch to Forge12 risk-free
thanks to the 30-day money-back gua­ran­tee.

Compare packages

€ 15,00 / Mon.
€ 35,00 / Mon.
Pro XL
€ 120,00 / Mon.


Word­Press instal­la­ti­ons
1x web­site
1x web­site
1x web­site
1 vCo­re (Shared CPU)
1 vCo­re
4 vCo­res


2 GB (shared RAM)
2 GB
8 GB
SSD memo­ry
2 GB
10 GB
25 GB (expan­da­ble up to 50)
on request
on request
Rem­oval ser­vice


Regu­lar updates of the web­site and its com­pon­ents to clo­se secu­ri­ty gaps. Secu­ri­ty updates

xxx. SSL cer­ti­fi­ca­te

WordPress Tools

xxx. Clo­ning & Tem­pla­tes

xxx. Sta­ging envi­ron­ment

xxx. Direct access


xxx. PHP Memo­ry Limit

up to 128 MB
up to 1024 MB
up to 2048 MB

xxx. Web ser­ver (NGINX)

xxx. Inte­gra­ted caching

xxx. PHP Ver­si­on 7.4–8.2

xxx. HTTP/2

xxx. Com­pres­si­on

xxx. Ser­ver loca­ti­on DE


xxx. Visi­tor coun­ter Mato­mo

+ 19 € / 50,000 hits / month (or on request)
E‑mail sup­port
Tele­pho­ne sup­port

Speed up your website with high-performance WordPress hosting


Site Manage­ment Tools

Com­ple­te a varie­ty of tasks with just one click. Mana­ge the cache, clo­ne your site, crea­te a sta­ging envi­ron­ment, set up redi­rects and much more.


Sta­tis­tics & Resour­ces

Moni­tor per­for­mance metrics such as resour­ce con­sump­ti­on, PHP speed, load times, cache uti­liza­ti­on and much more.


Sta­ging envi­ron­ment

You can set up a sta­ging envi­ron­ment for any Word­Press instal­la­ti­on with just a few clicks. Test your chan­ges inde­pendent­ly of your pro­duct page.


PHP ver­si­ons

Impro­ve the con­di­ti­on of your web­site by using the latest PHP ver­si­on. You can switch bet­ween the dif­fe­rent PHP ver­si­ons (8.0,8.1,8.2,8.3) at any time.


HTTP/2 out-of-the-box sup­port

HTTP/2 impro­ves per­for­mance, secu­ri­ty and relia­bi­li­ty. Get full sup­port for HTTP/2 so you don’t have to was­te time fine-tuning your ser­ver set­tings.


Free Wild­card SSL Sup­port

Secu­re your main and sub­do­mains easi­ly and effort­less­ly with a Let’s Encrypt SSL cer­ti­fi­ca­te.

Would you like to work with us?

Let us dis­cuss ever­y­thing in peace and quiet during a free intro­duc­to­ry mee­ting. Book your desi­red date direct­ly here.

WordPress Hosting

Is your Word­Press web­site slow? Then you should check whe­ther it is due to your ser­ver. By opti­mi­zing your ser­ver set­tings, you can speed up your web­site wit­hout much effort.

With us, you get a space on a ser­ver that has been opti­mi­zed for Word­Press. By limi­ting the num­ber of web­sites on the ser­ver, we ensu­re that you have suf­fi­ci­ent resour­ces available.

Ide­al for small com­pa­nies and start-ups that want to opti­mi­ze their resour­ces.

70+ gro­wing com­pa­nies trust us

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