Marc Wagner
Oktober 23, 2020
In a world in which the networking of devices, smartphones and tablets is increasing thanks to approaches such as the Internet of Things, the importance of web development is also growing. But what is web development all about, and when does it come into play? We explain.

What is web development? #
In a nutshell: Web development means nothing more than creating and improving web applications. Web development can be divided into two areas, frontend development and backend development.
Advertising agencies, Internet agencies and web agencies usually include other areas of expertise here and also extend to the technical development of other products such as apps and software.
Different programming languages, frameworks and libraries can be used for web development. While in Europe PHP is the standard for web development, the Americans favor ASP.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter which programming language is used, as the boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred.
Areas of web development #
A web developer these days is assigned many areas of expertise that you wouldn’t even recognize at first glance.
The largest area of web development naturally extends beyond the classic, the website. This also includes applications such as blogs, homepages, online stores, marketplaces, social networks, portals and streaming services.
All these applications are based on classic web languages and can be called via a browser.
Mobile Apps
Mobile apps or mobile applications are applications that run on a smartphone (iPhone, Galaxy S3) or tablet (iPad, Galaxy Tab).
Why do mobile apps count as web development?
Mobile apps can be implemented both as native apps and as hybrid apps. A native app is an application that was created specifically for the operating system, in this case for iOS, Windows or Android. Maybe you remember that some apps were only available for iPhone or Android. This problem was solved by so-called hybrid apps.
A hybrid app is based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Nowadays, frameworks like React are used to optimize the apps so that there is almost no difference to a native app.
Popular examples of hybrid apps include Instagram, Facebook, and Skype, all of which were developed as React apps.
What is a front-end developer? #
The core task of a frontend developer is the development of the presentation of a web application (website, online store). You are responsible for the implementation of the layout, the user guidance and the user interface. This also includes the client-side programming of the web application.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript are used for frontend web development. Frameworks and libraries such as jQuery, AngularJS and Bootstrap are also used.
In larger companies, you work as an interface between the backend developers from whom you receive the data and the web designers who provide you with the design. For this reason, you should have an understanding of the programming languages used (e.g. PHP) and database systems as well as a flair for design.
What is a backend developer? #
The core tasks of a backend developer are the development and maintenance of web applications and databases, as well as the smooth running of the server operation in the background. Simply put, he takes care of answering everything that is requested from the frontend (client).
For backend development, a server-side programming language such as PHP, Java or C# is used. Frameworks such as Symfony or CodeIgniter are also often used to make life easier. Content management systems such as WordPress and TYPO3 are also used by backend web developers.
In addition to programming languages, a backend developer must also deal with database systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL or HANA.
What is a full-stack developer? #
A full-stack developer is someone who is familiar with both the core tasks of front-end development and the areas of expertise in back-end development. He can develop almost all applications and functions, has a flair for design and understands relational databases.
A full-stack developer is an all-rounder who has a broad range of expertise.
In companies, the full-stack developer represents the interface between the frontend and the backend. He ensures that all areas (design, frontend, backend and server) are well interlinked and that their interaction runs smoothly.
Target group of web development? #
At a time when Internet of Things is becoming more and more relevant and more than 50% of traffic is generated by mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones, web development is essential for any business.
Web development at Forge12 Interactive GmbH #
Forge12 Interactive GmbH is a web agency based in Donaueschingen, Germany, specialized in any kind of web development. We use only the most modern technologies, frameworks and the latest repertoires to realize your websites, web applications, apps and online stores.
In addition, we offer other service such as web design, hosting, maintenance, SEO and print design. For startups, small and medium businesses, we offer immediate payments as well as installments. In special cases, we are also open for charity coding. Just contact us and arrange a non-binding appointment to get to know us.
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Marc Wagner
Hallo, Marc hier. Ich bin der Gründer von Forge12 Interactive und bereits seit über 20 Jahren leidenschaftlich dabei Webseiten, Onlineshops, Anwendungen und SaaS-Lösungen für Unternehmen zu entwickeln. Vor der Gründung habe ich bereits in Börsen notierten Unternehmen gearbeitet und mir allerlei Wissen angeeignet. Dieses Wissen möchte ich nun an meine Kunden weitergeben.